Feb 22, 2006 01:06
So, I finally broke down and started an LJ...
Yes, this is Dan if Mancannon didn't tip you off or anything.
I did this mostly to help break my addiction to World of Warcraft because it gives me something "constructive" to do with my free time besides WoW. Yes, I am lame. Recently I've been going through a rather stressful time and so as it always does, gaming became more important than college or human contact. Unfortunately, my grades, relationship, guitar ability, and physical shape have suffered from this so I'm making a shift in priorities. I'm going to go back to the gym at least twice a week and squeeze in at least 2 hours of guitar a week instead of playing WoW. Modest start, but at least it is a start. I have also stopped all raiding and long instances. This serves two purposes: to prevent me from taking up large chucnks of time that is completely dedicated to the game and to make me lose interest in WoW because I can no longer get "phat lewtz". Moving on...
My African safari is looking like its being put on hold because the bastards at the travel agency are taking their sweet fucking time getting back to us. We are still waiting on a price and an exact list of shots we need to take beforehand and it's getting closer and closer to the deadline. Instead we are planning a Canadiopia trip for much less, althougb I doubt we'll see any rhinos in Canada.