Sep 19, 2004 09:25
Short thoughts
I should have made mention that
your worries are out of place when
my book is filled with the scraps of
our construction of last month
In these small pieces of on site equipment
I keep you vivid in this
airport lounge
and exactly according to blueprint
I wait until I am ushered by
US security into a glass room alone
before I give you my oustretched heart
so to the soundtrack of a
noteworthy playlist I sit cocooned
by white linen strangers
confessing my love
poem 3
My baby snuck in
hidden in the small machinery of my electronics
he slipped through the scans of the government agents
only to show up, whirring through my
headphone wires
I play him in technicolour
sprawled across the glass window in perfect 3d projection
I play him in blue ink
seeping through the mechanics of a bic pen
he plays my cello organs
vibrating the words out of my mouth