I've decided to make a post only with links I've been collecting: pimp posts. Who doesn't like pimp posts? They're so funny~
*hahah* AND
useful on top of that! Of course these are about Kanjani8, the greatest band ever!
This is a brainwash dedicated to
psycho_shoelace or to any person who stumbles upon this post. I bet you might not like Kanjani8 at first but at least give them a try! You'll see, if you become a fan of them they will give you free fanservice in exchange!
haha But really, they're the funniest guys I've ever seen!
Meet Kanjani8
Kanjani8 Pimp Post of Doom by
feather_down -
We Are Kanjani8! by
koneho -
Video spam! by
shabzilla -
Crack posts by
lawi_chan -
Mini Pimp post by
osakaromanesque -
Picspam by
ashkt -
Hips Don't Lie by
ashkt -
Kanjani8 Street Style by
ashkt -
K8 Couples by
novemberchic -
Chibi Time by
novemberchic Super Pimp Post by
makuhita Super recommended crack fanvids
Geito Touch Their Tralalas-
Do You Believe in K8's sexiness?All by
lawi_chan Members
☆ Ohkura Tadayoshi
Drummer Boy by
14whiteghosts Pic Spam by
novemberchic Birthday Post by
samuraiblues ☆ Uchi Hiroki
Uchi by
jyannisweekly Picspam by
iverin #002 by
goclubgetdrunk Pink Uchi Day by
ashkt Videos by
samuraiblues ☆ Nishikido Ryo
The Best of Ryo by
colleeflower Picspam by
shprimp Evidences of Muscular!Ryo by
woolpepper Ryo by
jyannisweekly The Psychology of a Smile by
insane_desire ☆ Yokoyama Yu
Happy Birthday Post by
woolpepper Picspam by
tchouwuu Picspam by
samuraiblues ☆ Murakami Shingo
Happy Birthday Post by
14whiteghosts ☆ Subaru Shibutani
Huge picspam by
bakabanri Picspam by
waru_aoi Pic + media spam by
tackey_tsubasa Pic + media spam by
elyndys ☆ Yasuda Shota
Picspam by
meablie Picspam by
dozchan Picspam + videos by
whited_79 ☆ Maruyama Ryuhei
Tribute for Maru by
This is the most pornographic graphic I've ever made ^^;
And finally, why Ryo x Uchi is so great
Ryouchi Picspam by
woolpepper Valentines by
ryopichi #004 by
goclubgetdrunk Pics by
miniharus Edit: Added one Ryouchi graphic to spice up their section! HAHA!