Dec 04, 2008 08:48
I am getting rather fed up with with the pan-ultimate slowness of the College of Charleston in getting things up on in the internet, filed, e-mailed, or otherwise done. Otherwise, I'm living.
Today is my last ridiculous day of classes. I have ed class in about 40 minutes, gym, finishing the intro for a project, the presentation of said project, and what will probably be about 20 minutes of my conquistador class (which I hate). Technically, I still have a class of Anthropology and a test in Russian on Monday, but as I'd be cramming for Russian anyway, and I never study for Anthro, I'm kind of less than stressed about it.
However, that has very little to do with going over to Daniel's last night. But that's another story.
This story has to do with Iowa Kyle bringing me a cookie when I was studying Tuesday because I was too stressed out to take a break, and then coercing me to walk two miles with him down to the end of battery because it was pretty. However, it was also 36 degrees out, which is absurdly cold for down here. But we lived, and it got my mind off of everything for awhile.
I've noticed something about people I am friends with down here.
Iowa Kyle--- Mary wash's Ari
Daniel--- Michael Christianson
Luke--- Mike Pena
David --- Brian Mangan
...if I had any girly friends, there might be examples for that too...
Those are just a few examples, but yeah, they look alike, they have similar attitudes, and it's just flipping eerie how alike they are.
But yeah, I have to go to class.