Oct 22, 2008 10:25
Owen and I are over.
It about ripped his heart out. However, I was left with a very "cake or death" situation. Either I could marry him, or never be friends again. What the fuck? ...this is among other things he said that really, really didn't make sense.
So I'm single again, and no one is to allow me to even think about getting into a long distance relationship for a long while.
A lot about me has changed since I came down here, and frankly, I like it here. I mean, I definitely don't want to stay here forever, but I'm looking forward to finishing school here with all my new friends and such. I miss the home crew and such, and being so close to DC and all the fun that entails, but these southern kids know how to have a good time. No lies.
So in short, yes, I'm sad about breaking yet another boy's heart, but I'm okay. Right now I just want to get un-sick, and come back home and tell you guys all the fun stuff about how great a time I'm having down here with artist coalition parties, bike outings, and my southern friends.
God, what will you guys do if I ever really do settle down? haha!