
Oct 05, 2009 19:46

okay, i haven´t updated since,.. forever i guess
and there are some things happening in my life, which are probably more important than this


i decided to take "philosophy" as a minor subject in university,.. because it fits my major subject "sociology" better than anything else i could take

today i checked if there is something new and important to know, because uni starts for me again tomorrow ;_;

i was happy to see that my philosophy courses are starting next week and not,.. this one

so i looked up, if i have anything to do until then

and yes

i have

reading 380 pages of aristotle until next tuesday o___O"""
of course, i don´t even own this book "nikomachische ethik" (whatever it is in english ^^") because this information was posted TODAY

so let´s resume
if i buy this @ amazon.de it will take 2 or 3 days i guess,.. this makes it arriving on thursday approximately
on friday a buddy will come and we are going to spend the weekend together
saturday night is "brutal music fest" in halle
which i will attend,.. oh yes, i will >->

i know i know
uni comes first blabla
i hope i will manage it somehow nevertheless <33

warum hat diese frau das nich früher gepostet??
so,.. ca.,.. 3 monate früher - als ich ÜBERHAUPT GAR NICHTS ZU TUN HATTE?

it´s depressing >_>

which leads me to

i´m going to study philosophy BECAUSE I HAVE NO LIFE I GUESS

ps: aristotle, your name sucks in english

philosophy, university, rant

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