Entrace, Exit, Taguchi

May 03, 2019 03:16

Well, this is my super random things as a super-newbie fan *sigh*

I don't know why I really fall in love with Taguchi. It just like... wait what? I never fall in love with someone from ex-Johnny's list so... yeah, it's so rare.

Wait... I trying to remember how can I fall in love with this man.


So it was several months ago, when I started to be a KAT-TUN fan...

I was fall in love with Kame so I only focused on this turtle *LOL*. I watched some KAT-TUN-related videos on YouTube and found a video when KAT-TUN still 4nin. It was Real Face special arrangement perform on Shokura Premium (well, my favourite Real Face perform ever). It was my first time watched 4nin KAT-TUN video and I focused on the tall one. I thought he is a half-blood like Marius or Jesse (because he's so fckin' tall and his face is not like Japanese) so I thought his name is not-like-a-Japanese-name. But no, his name is REALLY JAPANESE, hehe.

Well, I focused on him.

And at that time, I think I will stan him.

But I realized, he's the one who left the group, right?

So I stopped to stan him (lol what's wrong with you, Yasmin?)

I followed his IG and Twitter because I followed Koki and Jin's IG and Twitter account. I only think this is normal, right? I just want to follow them because I'm a Hypen (wait what?), only that.

But everytime I saw Taguchi, the inner me said "God he's really handsome!", "OMG is he a human?", etc. But I always refuse it with "dude, he left KAT-TUN and Johnny's, stop it,".

I lied with myself.

And... After several months, I realized that I started to be Taguchi fan. Lol.

Am I wrong?

When I was a super newbie (lol, until now I'm still a newbie), I Googling about KAT-TUN and their ex-members (like reason why they left the group and their activity after left both group and agency). When I Googling Taguchi, I found the reason why Taguchi left the group is...

He wants to get married with his girlfriend.

I just like, "Oh, ok, he's married,"

But, is he already get married? Hm, Idk.

And I go to YouTube and found his MV.


I play it and got me like...



But several days later when I found an article about his major debut after he left Johnny's, I read the comments and the comments are mostly like

"I hate him"
"Why he didn't tell his former band-mate that he wanna solo debut?"


The actual comments are longer than I told but I didn't remember them, there's sooooo many comments so, yeah.

I have a super-newbie-too Hypen friend and she likes Ueda, too. When I said "if Junno still in KAT-TUN, I can't choose which one I'll stan, Ueda or him,"

And her answer is


And we had a talk about why Junno left both group and agency, how fans' reacted, etc.

I remember that she said, "Why they (fans who get mad with Taguchi) still hate him? We don't know what happened behind the camera. At least support him and give him a chance, I think this is the best way for Junno"


I remember when I'm really feel like "I love him but I hate him at the same breath" with Taguchi. I felt really emotional when I watched old KAT-TUN videos, when Taguchi used his gag.

Oh, dude.

I can't believe that I did it several months ago. Haha.

I had a talk with one of my friend, she likes KAT-TUN since... looong time ago? Several years ago, of course.

She told me that she was really disappointed with Taguchi, like he betrayed the group, betrayed fans, etc. I understood how she felt at that time. And I thought if I said "maybe I'll be a Taguchi fan" it'll be a problem. Like everyone will said "WTF are you joking around?" "Seriously?", etc.

But no.

Nobody cares about it.

Even I tweeted several times, keep mentioned Taguchi on my tweets or my Instastory (I didn't tag his Twitter or IG account, chill). I'm really crazy.

But I felt so lonely because my Hypens friends like ignored him. They'll be screaming around when they talk about Jin and Koki (especially Jin, y'all know it) but feels like nothing happened with Taguchi. Hm.

I finding around Taguchi fans but I only found Japanese fans. And one day, I met an international Taguchi fan and I'm really happy.

She keep update about Taguchi's activities in English and I'm happy. Finally, I found someone who still spread love for Taguchi doesn't matter what. I'm not alone.

Wait, what I want to talk about?

It's really random, lol.

Hm, maybe I'll continue it several times later, it's 3.14 am now and I still awake. Maybe I need to sleep.

Ok, I'll continue to write my random things about Taguchi next time.

kat-tun, taguchi junnosuke, random

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