Title Innocently Devious
manalover Genre Romance
Chapters 4/?
Rating PG 15
Warnings slight mxm
Pairings Aoi x Shou, Keiyuu x Kai, Saga x Reita, Nao x Shou (one-sided), Ruki x Uruha, Tora x Hiroto
Disclaimers I don't own them, sadly to say. But I am ever determined!
Summary When a random meeting brings to unlikely friends together, a whirlwind of events begins. Feelings develop and as they struggle to find meaning in their new found friendship they search out support from their closest friends. But can you always count on your friends being on yourside...
Reita opened his apartment door for Aoi. "You sure you want to stay over tonight?"
"Yeah. I don't think I can listen to Uruha's screaming tonight." Aoi set down the grocery bags he had carried.
Reita smirked. "Annoying?"
"Oh yeah!" Aoi grabbed the teabags to make himself a cup.
Reita fell onto his couch. "Kai's worried about you..."
"I don't see why."
"You're kidding right? You haven't been acting like yourself."
Aoi sighed as he sat in a chair with his tea. "I just got a lot on my mind."
Aoi smiled a little. "I'll tell you..."
Reita glanced over. "You will?"
Aoi nodded. "Mmhmm...you really don't seem like the kind to blab secrets so I know I can trust you."
Aoi shifted in his seat. "I think I have a crush on someone..."
Reita chuckled. "Think and crush aren't very certain."
"I know...but I can't get 'em out of my head."
"Is it someone we all know?"
Reita crossed his legs, hands behind his head. "Who is it? Maybe we could help..."
"You won't laugh?"
Reita nodded.
"Shou..." Aoi whispered.
Reita sat up looking at him. "Who?"
Aoi looked down at his shoes. "I-it's...Shou..."
Reita stared, mouth open in shock. "Shou...from the bank...ALICE NINE Shou?"
Aoi nodded.
"When? How?" Reita stuttered trying to wrap his mind around it.
Aoi bit his lip. "I haven't been able to get him out of my head since that night we hung out. Nothing works." He blushed slightly before finishing. "It only gets worse at home with them..."
Reita smirked trying not to laugh. "S-so you hung out and decided you'd crush on him?"
"No! He kissed my cheek and I was thinking about why he'd do that...and it just grew from there..."
Aoi sighed. "Problem is...I don't know him well enough to know if he always does that or if he likes me..."
Reita smiled. "Then today worked in your favor...he wants to hang with you more so you'll find out at some point."
Aoi smiled. "Yeah...you're right. Thanks Rei-chan..."
Reita nodded. "Now movie time!" Reita grabbed the closest movie to him and put it in. 'Aoi...things are gonna get interesting...'