Title Innocently Devious
manalover Genre Romance
Chapters 1/?
Rating PG 13
Pairings Aoi x Shou, Keiyuu x Kai, Saga x Reita, Nao x Shou (one-sided), Ruki x Uruha, Tora x Hiroto
Disclaimers I don't own them, sadly to say. But I am ever determined!
Summary When a random meeting brings to unlikely friends together, a whirlwind of events begins. Feelings develop and as they struggle to find meaning in their new found friendship they search out support from their closest friends. But can you always count on your friends being on yourside...
Kai sat on his front porch with one of his friends, Keiyuu. The vocalist of Kra had shown up unexpectedly, but they always did that. What was truly surprising to Kai was thier topic of conversation.
"So how are Uruha and Ruki doing?" Keiyuu asked, grabbing a drink and rejoining Kai.
Kai smiled. "Uruha moved in with Aoi. Ruki...moved in with Aoi."
"Oh that's got to be murder for him," Keiyuu said laughing.
Kai looked at him confused. "Why do you say that?"
"Well Ruki and Uruha are all over each other."
"You think Aoi's gay?"
Keiyuu laughed. "Oh definately. He's gay. Maybe he's not getting any..."
"Who knows. He refuses to tell me when he's seeing anyone."
Keiyuu nodded. "Come on..." Taking Kai's hand, they went inside.
Aoi sat in a private room of a five star restaurant, but he definately wasn't alone. Shou, the vocalist of Alice Nine, was sitting opposite him.
Aoi laughed as the PSP was handed to him yet again, this being their occupation for the last half hour. "Look, all I'm saying is James could do so much better than Jessie."
"No way! They're totally cute together. Admit it, you're jealous of their love!"
"So not. He's spineless and she's a mouth. The only thing that's going for them Meowth." Aoi handed Shou back the PSP. "Why are we talking about Pokemon anyway?"
Shou ruffled his blonde hair. "I...don't know!"
The pair fell into another laughing fit as the waiter came in. "Will there be anything else?"
Shou looked up. "What time is it?"
"Going for eleven sir."
"Thanks." Shou gave Aoi an apologetic look. "I'd love to stay but I got practice."
Aoi nodded. "Check please."
The waiter nodded and handed over the bill.
Aoi had grabbed his wallet and was digging out the money when Shou grabbed his arm. "Come on! Just leave a bunch! I'll pay you back!"
Aoi sighed and paid, walking out behind Shou. "Don't worry 'bout paying me back."
Shou faced him. "Really?"
"Yeah...I picked the place anyway."
"Okay...maybe I'll catch ya tomorrow." He gave Aoi a quick hug and kissed his cheek before running off towards his apartment building.
Aoi stared after him, absentmindedly raising his hand to touch his cheek. He kissed me...What the hell?!' Sure they had somehow ended up at a five star restaurant talking about the love of idiotic characters but he figured Shou would just run off. Okay...it was only cheek. Nothing major. Besides you don't like him like that...do I?'
Aoi's thoughts raced through his head. Before he could stop it, a small smile crept its way onto his face and he headed to his car humming to himself.
Shou sat at his desk in the Alice Nine studio working on his lyrics, which was far from the truth. If anyone bothered to look at the papers scattered on the desk they'd see he had spent all morning doodling Aoi's name.
Shou sighed and crumpled up the paper. 'I'm getting nowhere fast....' Grabbing a new pad of paper, he began doodling again. He couldn't get the night before out of his head. He knew he liked Aoi; he had since he first saw the darkhaired beauty, but he didn't realize hanging out with him a couple hours would distract him like this.
"How the lyrics coming?" Saga, the bassist, asked.
Shou quickly flipped over the pad of paper. "None of it makes any sense right now...just a bunch of scribbles."
"Let us see...maybe we can help," Tora said headed for the desk.
"NO! I...I mean I can't always have you guys help me..." Shou put the pad in one of the drawers and locked it. Shou looked around at his bandmates staring at him. "What?"
"You've been acting wierd all morning," Nao murmured. "Did you get enough sleep?"
"I think so..."
"THINK so?" the others said together.
Shou shrugged. "Well I got home a little after midnight but couldn't sleep."
"Midnight?!" Hiroto ran over. "But you knew we had practice!"
"It's not my fault the restaurant was so far from my place."
Saga raised an eyebrow. "Dude, you're broke. How'd you afford a restaurant?"
"Aoi paid." Everyone's mouths dropped. "Will you guys stop looking at me like that?! I'm gonna go get coffee." Shou shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out, staring at the floor. When he saw someone's shoes in front of him he looked up to see Aoi. "Oh hey!" he said cheerfully.
Aoi looked around. He had been wandering around hoping to avoid the very blonde in front of him, but apparently his feet weren't listening because he was in the hall to Alice Nine's studio. "Uh....h-hi!" Aoi turned and ran, blushing.
Saga came out to see Shou staring at Aoi running down the hall. "Something happen?"
"Did you do something to him?"
I wish... Shou shook his head to get rid of the thought. "Not that I know of. I said hi and he ran."
Saga shrugged. "Crazy...let's go get coffee."
"Sure." The two headed for the kitchen.