Happy Feet, I've got those Happy Feet...

Jan 16, 2008 21:35

Borrowed via harrypotter5freak via reallycorking.

10 things that have made me happy recently:

1. I'm currently reading Twilight, borrowed from a friend who knows me too well. Yet another literary addiction.

2. My wedding date is set for next year, and the reservation for the reception is made. Progress and wonderful times ahead!

3. Looking forward to a friend's birthday, with good food, folks and fun (nah, too McDonalds) with good friends, food, and a flick (better)!

4. I found some new comfy shoes, so my feet are also happy.

5. The hot chocolate I am sipping while typing this.

6. Watching Tiffany finally start to devour the Harry Potter books. She never got around to finishing Chamber of Secrets because of school work, teaching, and lab work, but this past Sunday she not only finished the last chapter, she also read Azkaban in one sitting.

7. My wonderful niece got straight As and is still #1 for accelerated reading.

8. All the wonderful people I have managed to spend quality time with in the past two months.

9. Cloverfield is supposed to have a teaser trailer for the new Star Trek movie. Nerd Rage ahead...

10. "Freakishly, to-do lists. I LIVE for making lists....stuff I want to do, stuff I need to do, people I need to talk to, things I have to buy...if I can list it, I am happy." (This is quoted from someone else, but it's a twin thing.)
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