Aug 06, 2008 00:50
I really dislike being in that crazy girl stage wherein its hard to approach the person the crazy is about.
There are may forms that this can manifest in.
The first is a What I have in my head is too big/ you'll regect me in some way/ I'm unworthy can't even go near you kind of thing.
Another is the everyone is against me and your the ring leader.
Another is the your the source of all the worlds problems (yes even including the british colonization in the 1800's)
Yet another is I've just suddenly become very shy around you in particular.
My crazy at the moment is of the I need you to come to me variety. Honestly when is my crazy not of this kind? I don't know what I'm s afaid to loose by starting something. The only metaphor thats coming to mind is a kid getting burned by a forest fire and now dosn't want to use the microwave.
Silly I know. but it works.
Its easier to be the one forgiving than to be the one asking for forgiveness.
Its easier to be aproached than to go up to another and ask.
I miss knowing the footsteps were because of me. Sadly now they are easier to hear.
I hate my kicked puppy routine.