Overactive imagination I have!

May 07, 2006 04:21

Having an overactive imagination sucks. Why? Because when your in the bathroom at night, after reading a article on some haunted hospital in Kansas or Kentucky or some shit, you keep "seeing" stuff. Or feeling like your being watched. Your afraid that when you sit on the 'loo, something is gunna pop up and bite and bite ya in the ass. Or theres a dead guy in the shower, or a face in the mirror. Then when you head back to your room/compy, you feel as if something is right behind you. >:[

Of course, there's never anything there, but your imagination just loves to pop little images into the memory of said bathroom, thus creeping you out to the point of not wanting to sleep. Ever. Also, it sucks when you live in a trailer and the place keeps making random noises, AND it's raining outside, and your so paranoid you think your brother who is walking down the hall to the bathroom is some ghastly critter with empty pits for eyes coming to eat your brains.

Ghosts scare the fucknuts out of me. Gore I can handle, as long as it's not -REAL-, then I just throw up everywhere. But ghosts/demons...they're scary because you don't -KNOW- if they're actually real or not. Therefore, theres always a part of your brain going "You never knooooowwww..." while the rest of your brain is convincing itself that there's actually nothing to be afraid of.

This makes the Panda angry. -huff- AND WTF THERES A MOSQUITO! DIE!
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