Katrina update

Aug 29, 2005 17:11

So my parents and other relatives in Baton Rouge are doing fine as of a couple hours ago, when I last spoke to them.

Dad took down all the plants and the porch swings and the gazebo and deck furniture Saturday afternoon, and they filled up their cars and stocked up on drinking and waste water. He got one of the last 25 generators at their local Home Depot.

They lost power this morning when one of my uncle's oak tree tops sheared off and collapsed a power line across the street. Crews cleared the tree and made sure the line wasn't a live wire, but they don't expect they'll get power back any time soon. They've got the generator going at my grandpa's house.

I haven't heard from my friends Allison and Jason yet. They live outside Biloxi and have a 2-month-old baby girl.

The levees have held for the most part, and I'm very glad to hear it, but I fear for the news that will be coming out of Mississippi and Alabama in the next few days.

I finished Doug's wedding quilt, pictures to come very soon.

Also, I served on a jury AGAIN today. I'm going home. I'm so tired I could cry.

jury duty, family, crafts: quilting, hurricanes

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