Summer was at our Serenity screening in Houston!!

Jun 24, 2005 12:04

I got Summer Glau's autograph! And she called me a cutie!

Jessie and I went to dinner, and arrived at the theater just after 8 p.m. We settled down to knit and cross-stitch. People in Houston are more laid back - there were only like 20 people ahead of us. Heard from another person in line that there was some mixup ticket-wise and they were still selling tickets as late as that afternoon. Several friends would have been happy to take them off Edwards' hands, but alas, too late.

John arrived about 30 minutes later, and when the security guy said no cameras, I snapped a pic of Jessie and John (he's wearing my one-flap hat) and then took my camera out to the car. I'd brought it to get a picture of me, Jessie, and Ken all in our hats, but Ken and his posse arrived late. John will get a hat of his very own soonish.

The let us into the theater and we sat mid-row about 1/3 of the way up. The Universal guy really wanted us to sing, but maybe about half the crowd just wasn't into it. At one point, one of his volunteers pointed at me and Jessie (Jessie really, since I was still putting the finishing touches on my hat and wasn't wearing it yet) and told us, "You, in the cunning hat, you start us off!"

My fourth hat in 2 weeks, I finished the last flap just as the lights went down in the theater. Was slightly distracted from that task when Summer Glau walked in! She was in jeans and a "Don't Mess with Texas" crop top (it was burnt orange/white, so evidently she's a Longhorn fan). She told us she had been looking forward to this screening for weeks, especially since her dad and grandfather were in the audience, too. So Joss' intro came on, and he was talking about there being no stars in Serenity, and someone up top yells out "Summer's a star!", which got a laugh, too. The movie started and went by way too quickly. I'm not without quibbles, but overall, SHINY!

Summer stayed afterward and signed special screening cards. Jessie and I waited, wearing our hats. When we got to Summer, she looked at us and said, "Hey there, cuties!" They (she and the guy feeding her the screening cards) asked where we'd gotten the hats, and I had to 'fess up that I'd made them. Summer said she wished Adam were here (squee!) and that she needed to get her one of those hats.

I think I might make her one with the extra yarn I have and send it to whatever address I can find. Just think - I could enclose your marriage proposal, barilosopher!! ETA: Jonathan in his hat! His was the first I completed.

Anyways, I couldn't stop smiling. I thanked her for being there, and then we went and talked to the Universal guy about the movie. They gave us keychains and a fold-out brochure in addition to the signed screening cards.

It was a great night, and I can't wait to see the movie again!

tagged by sasha_b (a long time ago, in a get the drift)
random fandom (that rhymed!) meme thing
1) Total number of fandoms I have loved: Veronica Mars, King Arthur, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Star Wars, Harry Potter, CSI, X-Men, Gatchaman/BOTP, Highlander, Alias, Farscape.

2) My first fandom ever: Star Wars

3) My most recent fandom: Veronica Mars

4) Five fandoms that currently mean a lot to me: Veronica Mars, King Arthur, Firefly, Star Wars, and X-Men movieverse

5) Tag 5 people to put this in their journal: no thanks!

1. Favorite scent... honeysuckle, gardenia
2. Favorite way to relax... bubble bath
3. Favorite movie you own... The Shawshank Redemption, Strictly Ballroom, X-Men 1 & 2, Ocean's 11, L.A. Confidential, Better Off Dead, Grosse Pointe Blank
4. Favorite movie you don't already own... Lagaan
5. Favorite male movie star... Hugh Jackman, Clive Owen, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp
6. Favorite female movie star... Nicole Kidman (I had to really think hard to come up with this one, btw)
7. Favorite book genre... sci-fi/fantasy
8. Favorite clothing store... as of late, JoAnn's (I've been making my own)
9. Favorite non-clothing store... Any of the quilt/bead/yarn stores in town
10. Favorite cartoon character... Condor Joe/Jason of Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets fame, Powerpuff Girls, Kim Possible
11. Favorite CD you own... Currently Green Day's American Idiot and the soundtrack from Friday Night Lights
12. Favorite CD you don't already own... Vida by Del Castillo
13. Pass the torch to five LJ friends!... and NO

Random 1: rhienelleth recently posted about how she managed to smear blood from a nasty paper cut on the cuff [of her shirt]. A very small amount.

I replied with the following helpful hint: Just for future reference, because I don't think it will work on set stains: You, and only you, can get a bloodstain out of your clothes if you use a bit of your own spit on it. Your spit won't work on other people's blood, and vice versa. I learned this from my quilting hobby. Fingers can get bloody while doing handquilting and you don't want bloody stitches on your finished quilts. By daubing a bit of spit you can prevent staining.

Random 2: Dude, I donated my hair to Locks of Love almost a year ago now, and I just got the email thanking me for doing so. My hair is long enough to be put up in a ponytail already.

Still working on the L.A. story - have pics + need to tell you who I saw (hint: cast member from Veronica Mars)!

crafts: knitting: jayne hat, fandom, locks of love, movies: serenity, tv: veronica mars, crafts: quilting, memes, favorites

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