(no subject)

May 05, 2005 13:16

Saw three movies this past weekend: Hitchhiker's Guide, The Interpreter, and Kung Fu Hustle. All were enjoyable. The Interpreter had some problems, especially at the end; it seemed like some stuff had been cut that would have helped explain some of the questions I had. Kung Fu Hustle didn't inspire as much glee in me as it did others on the FL, but I still laughed and had a good time. Martin! Mos! Sam! and Alan! gave me much happiness.

Is it Tuesday yet? I'm SO happy I gave Veronica Mars a chance (and I'm pretty sure I have wisteria_'s pre-season pimping to thank for that), because I'm *flail*... I haven't been this head-over-heels about a show since Buffy 2nd/3rd seasons!

Will be going to L.A. the weekend of the 13th to see my friend Kay. Whee! I'm letting her do the planning - the only instructions I gave? I want to visit her place of employment (Disney!) and return to the Getty Museum. I did all the touristy stuff when I went in high school, so I just want to have a nice visit with her. Maybe visit a yarn shop, since she likes to crochet, too. And bonus! My ticket to L.A. cost me only $50 since I was able to cash in a voucher I got last August when I visited my sister in Indianapolis.

In other vacation news, I will be in NYC from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4. My mom and some friends of hers were planning to go, and I convinced them to let me tag along. They agreed and promptly placed me in charge of all theatre ticket purchasing and general "what are we going to do today" planning. I was in charge of that stuff when I went with Mom and sisters last year, too. Mom et al. want to see some shows (read: Lion King, Hairspray, or Beauty & the Beast, etc., etc.) and shop. They also want to go see the Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center. I, on the other hand, plan to avoid that area like the plague on that particular day.

I'm going to be doing mostly independent touring since they want to do stuff I really have no interest in doing. I did a lot of exploring on my own last year, too. I plan to see my friends Amy & Elisabeth and spend a day at the Bronx Zoo (the only thing I missed on my 'must' list from when I went last year). I went ahead and bought a ticket (for myself) to see Spamalot at the Wednesday matinee since that show has been consistently selling out and no discount tickets are likely to be found in the near future. I also want to see the new Spelling Bee musical and Avenue Q (although I am sorely disappointed that John Tartaglia has already left the production). If anyone is interested in hooking up and hanging out while I'm there, let me know!

Grandma update: Mom had to check her into the psych ward at the hospital. She has gone muy loco. The hospital almost refused to admit her, though, because she knows her name and the answers to other questions - Mom had to have her heart doctor talk to them about the crazy stuff she's been doing before they would take her.

We don't know if it's the steroids, the cancer meds, or something else. She's been talking virtually nonstop and not sleeping at all. They found her running her hand underneath the faucet "to get rid of the cancer." And she's claiming she needs to learn how to use God's typewriter in the ceiling so she can write her memoirs. When Mom says something to her she doesn't like, she bares her teeth and shakes her fist at Mom.

She wouldn't let the caretaker feed or bathe my grandfather (who is basically an invalid), and she insisted he didn't need to go to the eye doctor, when he clearly had a severe eye infection. She refused to take the Xanax her doctor had prescribed for her, and also refused to have oxygen, when she clearly needs it to help her breathe.

This is all highly OOC, and some of the things that have come out of her mouth would absolutely horrify her were she in her right mind.

It makes me so incredibly grateful that I went last month, before all this happened. I'm going back this weekend, and I hope to see her doing better.

musicals, movies, tv: veronica mars, vacation: nyc, family: grandmother, vacation: l.a., vacation

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