Random updating

Apr 26, 2005 15:51

Revamping the website, so icon pages are down at the moment. Considering switching webhosts. Don't need anything fancy, just something that lets me store stuff I can link to from here, mostly.

Trying to avoid thinking about impending 30th birthday. I can't really be that old.

Click on photos to enlarge.

The chemo caps I've recently knitted for my grandmother:

I picked up and knit the wrong side on my first attempt.

The second hat came out much better.

I'm going to Baton Rouge for Mother's Day weekend to give them to her in person. She's not well. The chemo's made her loopy, so I'm more grateful than ever that I went home to see her that first week after the diagnosis. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Jewelry I've made recently:

Icons up for grabs (Veronica Mars, King Arthur, Dark Angel, CSI, Jon Stewart, Clive Owen):






Icon made special for kmousie:

Best bumper sticker ever, on a car at my apartment complex (I live in Houston, TX, BTW):

Saw Sahara. Fun little suspension of disbelief flick.

List of movies I want to see (includes current and upcoming, links go to YahooMovies Upcoming Movies preview pages):
Sin City - CLIVE (still haven't managed to fit it in since original plans fell through)
Kung Fu Hustle -
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Martin & Mos Def & Sam ::explodes::
Kingdom of Heaven - David
Star Wars - natch
Mr. And Mrs. Smith -
Batman Begins - Christian
Bewitched - Stephen
Fantastic Four - Ioan
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - Johnny & Missy
The Warrior -
Wedding Crashers - Owen
Into the Blue - Okay, not really, but I couldn't help but list it ::snikkerz, waves at foodsthatcan::
The Island - Ewan
The Brothers Grimm - Terry
The Dukes of Hazzard - Burt as Boss Hogg, filmed in my hometown
Four Brothers - looks interesting
The Pink Panther - jury's still out, but contemplating
The 40-Year-Old Virgin - Steve Carell, Catherine Keener
Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride - Tim & Johnny ride again
Serenity - Joss & co. having a gorram good time (trailer released today, here)
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
Memoirs of a Geisha - I love, love, love this book. Please don't screw it up Rob!
Brokeback Mountain - Heath & Jake as gay cowboys! (oh, and Ang Lee's directing) I'm so there!

At which point I realize I am a very shallow person. Almost every movie on the list is a popcorn blockbuster, typical summer fare. Okay, so 'shallow, not stupid' shall be my mantra of the day.

I need to make a list of forthcoming books I want, as well. But that'll have to wait.

NEW VERONICA MARS TONIGHT!! Veronica is my crack

movies, tv: veronica mars, crafts: knitting, crafts: jewelry, family: grandmother, icons

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