Black people don't deserve tutorials

Dec 13, 2010 02:10

I'd like an opinion on this, because maybe I'm in the wrong on this matter, but is there something wrong with someone making a tutorial about how to draw Blacks? And only Black?

When I first saw the tutorial, I honestly did think it could go the wrong way, but the artist brought up relevant matter and actually did the tutorial very well. They noted that all ethnic groups have different looks, and certain particular features that Blacks have and how to draw them (and what is offensive, we see you Mr Popo).

But of course, you gotta have someone who just ain't seeing the point. Matter of fact, they even felt the tutorial was suspicious. Because why does someone need a tutorial on how to draw Black people? In my mind, I immediately though 'uhhh, because craploads of artists on dA even have admitted that they think it's hard and impossible' (because drawing Black people requires magic and skills...).

The commenter had someone agree with them and they went on about the matter and how they felt the artist was rude for not responding (regardless of having not even coming on dA since a while back) and the whole thing was weird and rude and suspicious.

So... Why exactly? Isn't the tutorial itself less of a problem and more the fact that not only is it sadly necessary, but that there's a lack of Black characters and art? I was personally more offended that someone's Hetalia OC for South Africa was white instead of Black. Because there's obviously no shortage of fair-skinned characters in Hetalia (and every series always needs another blonde!).

Now I must ask... Am I in the wrong? Maybe I am missing the picture? Or is this person really just being loony and, dare I say, sensitive? (And not reasonably so, in my opinion...)
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