クーっちゃ <3

Oct 08, 2009 01:35

This dog is just too cute... I still WANT IT! *-*

Okay, so why I'm posting is just to write what kind of things my web-translator translates the most innocent sentences to:
クッキーも頑張れ (kukkii mo ganbare)  - try the cookie hard...TRY THE COOKIE HARD! XD Perverted program ne ;D hahaha

Kiyoharu wrote about that there is a typhoon where his parents live and he is concerned... I hope they are allright! o.o
気をつけて !!

They are both watching the tv together, wishing for them to be saved!

And 瞞し (mayakashi) is so beautiful! I Love it, Ruki's voice is so beautiful. <3

But I'm pissed about not getting the photobooklet you receive when buying the normal edition... :(
I just assumed the regular edition was not needed but now... I'm thinking about buying that too... :/

Well, I'll have to wait, cus yesterday I lost my busscard, probably on the train...
I bought it a  week ago and it was valid until the end of this year U_U
I want it back... I was so releived that I won't need to buy a new until next year... T_T
Well tomorrow I'll call SL and lets hope for the best... Someone could have found it and left it there right!? :D
But I doubt that...

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