-smiles- Who would have thought.

Jul 12, 2004 21:58

How to make a mana_kisara

3 parts pride

5 parts arrogance

5 parts beauty
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

^^ Five parts arrogance. Pride? Ha. I have none. Maybe a little. But not much. Not with my lifes state right now. I hate my job, see what it's making me become?.. XD

wtf?! Tea? Um, no.

#14 0.9%
Ryou Bakura

I took a quiz as my OC that I can most identify with (Merri), above is the results. ^^ That was the least-received result. w00t, I'm unique.
http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=Yu_Gi_Oh Heres the link. It wouldn't let me take the code. O_o

Yarr. Posting YGO movie pics tomorrow. XD!!
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