Pretty Little Liars (s02e04): Blind Dates *** Hanna takes it upon herself to set Caleb up. Emily can't catch a break from 'A'. Aria gets closer to Jason, maybe a little too close. And Spencer's monitoring of Melissa comes to a point.
Pretty Little Liars (s02e05): The Devil You Know **** Everyone's on edge this week and asking the big questions: will they ever be able to move on from Alison's death and did Ian really kill her? Plus, the usual badness: Spencer vs. Melissa and Ezria will they come out or not.
Pretty Little Liars (s02e04): Blind Dates
This is a bit delayed, so I'll be brief. I can't really feel bad for Spencer for not getting the ring back. Spencer, when you do bad things sometimes you get in trouble. That poster they were all standing under is awesome though. I feel bad for Melissa who really thought Ian was alive all this time and it was just 'A' screwing with her. Favorite line: "I've got 911 on speed dial." Final thoughts before next ep: Saw that coming with Ian, but wondering how long has it been since he 'died'? Won't the police notice he was hanged and not shot first?
Pretty Little Liars (s02e05): The Devil You Know
I'm not one of those people who really hates Jackie, but there's something about her that's annoying. So nice to see Ezria getting cuddly. And let me be a fan girl for a moment when I say, "OMG, he touched her bare leg." Also, nice to see Caleb being sweet and Hanna seemingly forgiving him. Where was Toby hiding this week though? Spencer really could have used him while 'A' was planting false evidence and her sister reamed her out.
Nice to see Emily being the crime solver for once and figuring out the note wasn't written by Ian. Then again, who actually thought he wrote the note and committed suicide? And if I were 'A', I wouldn't confirm Ian didn't kill Alison unless I had some bigger plan at work. Then again, 'A' is pretty twisted, so maybe he/she gets off on taunting them and isn't afraid of getting caught. The last scene in the cemetery sure creeped me out.