3 days off in a row would have been nice, but I crammed a lot of good "kin-time" into the 2 days I did have off.
On Saturday afternoon, Gunn, Erik and I headed to the Earldom for the men's smoker. Dave and Jon joined us for a great evening of fine smoke, good brew, and some great conversation. And a special thanks must go out to the Great Dorff for leaving we lowly menfolk to ourselves, and especially for cookin-up those chickeepot pies for us!
Sunday morn we got up early and all headed down the street for breakfast. Then the Warden of the Portsmouth Bridge, and his manly son and trusted dog, pointed their truck in the direction of now-hungry sheep. The rest of us headed for a day of brewing beer and devouring delicious pork shoulder with our dear friends from Hammer and Horn Kindred. We were also joined by my baby brother, Mike, as well as Elder Bill.
Both Mark and Aaron produced what appear to be a couple of fantastic brews. The truth will be in the tasting of the final product, and all in attendance will be happy to 'judge' the results should we be called upon.
So now I am back at the harbor on this beautiful Memorial Day.
After work, me and the boys will head to the Wyoming Cemetary to walk through the rows of the departed soldiers, and hold our annual Einharjar blot.