Nov 10, 2017 13:55
As some of my Friends would know, I moved from Sunshine West to Broadmeadows a little over two years ago....
When that happened, I had to change to another Case Manager....partially because I moved to another area, but mostly, because the Branch of the Job Network Agency I was with at the time, lost their Contract
So....I started with an Agency called Workskil....even though, as I later found out, the Agency I was going to in Sunshine still had a Branch in Broadmeadows, who *didn't* lose *their* Contract
Go figure :-/
So, I started going to Workskil a few weeks after I moved here, and I just seemed to be getting the run-around....having one Case Manager for a few appointments, then getting a different one, then a different one again, then finally getting, who I presumed to be, my permanent Case Manager....only to be told, by her, a couple of months ago, that my next appointment would be my last with her
It didn't even get to that....when my next appointment was due, I was already re-assigned to someone else....who, as it happened, was actually one of the temporary ones I had a couple of years earlier, and who just lumped me into having to go into the office twice a week to do Job Search, which they were calling 'Job Club', but isn't, believe me
This, I could have easily done at home, which I even tried to tell her but she ignored me
If that wasn't bad enough, the following week I get lumped into something called 'Get Ready', with *no* notice whatsoever!!
The 'Job Club' was supposed to be Tuesday 10:00-12:00 and Thursday 13:00-15:00, and when I went in on the second Tuesday, the Manager comes in 10 minutes later to inform myself and a few others that we're doing 'Get Ready', which is 10:00-14:00....and this without any prior notice, mind you
Oh....and I'm *still* expected to do the 'Job Club' on Thursdays
So....a couple of weeks of this B.S. and I start thinking that I will be seeing a Transfer to another Agency if this keeps up....the clincher came this Wednesday just gone when my Case Manager tells me that she's putting my name forward for a vacancy, but only gives me vague details about what it is and where it is....
When I got home, I tried to figure out where it was and where the closest Public Transport was, as she said it was close to Public Transport, and I E-Mail her asking for more details....she responds by just giving me some B.S. excuse that, at the request of the client, she can't give me the address details....
So....I send her another E-Mail saying that, unless I know where they are so that I can see for myself what Public Transport may-or-may-not-be in that area, why would I be interested in applying for it?
I also tell her that, the next time I go in there (which would have been yesterday), I'll be talking to her about organizing a Transfer to another Agency
Less than an hour later, I get a call on my Mobile....from her Boss, confirming that I wanted to get a Transfer, and she gives me a number to call to arrange it
Nothing in the way of trying to keep me there....nope, it's like they can't wait to get rid of me
So....I called the number I was given, went through a few basic questions....why do you want to leave them....basically, because I felt like I wasn't being treated with respect....who would your preference be with....and they looked on their system....they only found one Agency with a vacancy, so, they set me up with an appointment, which was for today, and, so far, they seem to be *much* better
This new Agency is called AMES, and I mentioned to my new Case Manager, as well as the Recruitment Team, that my first job was with AMES....not sure if it's the same company or not, though, as that was over 32 years ago
I know one thing, though....during the last week that I was going to Workskil, a few of the others there were also talking about wanting to get a Transfer....I can only guess that they've at least tried to do so by now
case managers,
job seeking