And Then There Were Four....

Jul 30, 2014 16:49

Went out this morning to do a small amount of shopping, and when I came home, Rent Guy didn't appear to be around, so I went out to the Garage to see if he was there....I heard his voice and that of a girl, so, thinking that it was he and FHG #2 wanting to have a private discussion, I left them to it, and went back inside the house....

A little while later, Rent Guy came in and so did the girl....

Introductions were made and she then went in to have a shower while her clothes were in the Washing Machine....not usually the best thing to do as the Washing Machine will take all the water, a few times, as it goes through its cycle

She even got me to turn the shower on for her, as she wasn't sure about what the best position of the taps would be....and yes, the thought *did* cross my mind about showing her personally, by getting into the shower with her....but that thought only lasted a second or's not as I would stand a chance with her anyway :-/

I even went as far as to remind/warn her that when the Washing Machine needs to use water, she won't have any

While she was in there though, asked Rent Guy if she was going to be staying here....he said, "maybe"

I asked him where she would be sleeping, and he just told me not to worry about it....I jokingly suggested my room, and he just gave me an odd look

That didn't really answer the question though, and I also saw that this girl had quite a bit of stuff with her, and it also looks as though she's left some of it in the bathroom least she had the decency not to use my towel, as seems to be all too often the case in these situations :-/

So, whether she's actually going to be staying here (where, would be the question there....unless he's going to make space for her in the Garage), or is just leaving some basic things here for frequent visits....who knows at this's not as if Rent Guy actually bothers to tell me things until I've pretty much already found out about them anyway

So yeah...I'm designating this one as FHG#4

Mommy Dearest, despite not speaking English, didn't seem too impressed with the situation either....especially after being introduced to FHG#2 just a few days ago :-/

Just as long as she doesn't start using my food when she's here, as FHG#3 and Other Guy 2 had done, and I don't lose any more privacy than I already have, I'll be more-or-less okay with it

female house guest #4, female house guest #2, female house guest #3, other guy, rent guy, mommy dearest

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