Mar 03, 2014 07:05
I haven't had Internet Access since mid February, and as such, there are a few things of note that have happened in that time and just prior....
To start with, as I mentioned previously, yes, Rent Guy managed to find a place and we've moved in....he has been back and forth to the old place almost on a daily basis since then moving stuff from there to here (with me going with him on occasion to help him do so), or from there to his Commercial Business (he got someone else to help him there)
In the mean time, pretty much since the end of January, he's been getting calls, and occasionally letters, from The Agent of the old place wondering when he's going to move out....many of which he's been avoiding....until they said that he had until Friday (28th Feb), or they'll change the locks and get the Police involved
To that end, he finally hired a Truck (just one of those 3-Ton ones) on Thursday, and I went with him on Friday to help him move some stuff as well....and stuff that has been sitting in the Garage all this time came over as well, so in that regard at least, I'm a happy chappy :-)
They *do* kinda take up a lot of space in the room that they're in, but, there's nowhere else to put them in here (no Garage....there's an old tin Shed, but, no concrete floor and the sides have gaps in them and the door doesn't close), and I've done the Storage thing before, and I don't think there's a place accessible by Public Transport near here even if I *could* afford the Storage Fee :-(
Also on Friday, FHG #2 came over with one of her house mates to look at the place, as it has been advertised somewhat higher than we were paying for it....we were paying $260pw and it's now been advertised at $295pw!!
I was joking with FHG #2 that she should get it and we would move back's with the same Agent anyway, so I can't see that that would have lasted too long :-/
While we were there, The Agent turned up....parked a few houses up though until the Police arrived, and then came over, along with a Locksmith
The Agent asked for the keys back, which they got, and then got the Locksmith to change the locks anyway....which to me kinda defeats the purpose....I mean....either they trust us or they don't....if they trust us, why change the locks??
While we were there, The Agent asked if Rent Guy could move the tires etc. from the back yard to the front....I think he said he would, but, he ended up just leaving them where they were anyway, and just collected them from there in due course
Also while we were there, the Postie turned up with a Registered Letter....which also kinda defeats the purpose, as, we and The Agent were already there, so, if there was anything they needed to inform him of, they could have done so (they didn't as far as I know), and if we had already left by then, we wouldn't have gotten the Letter!!
FHG #2 told us that she saw a clean up crew on Saturday (1st March), so I can only presume that it will be rented out in the next week or so....regardless of the problems with it which I doubt very much will be fixed (one of the windows is jammed, and won't close, the kitchen sink leaks, which Rent Guy and I sorta fixed with Duct Tape), and the front door frame is the point that it will move when the door is opened or closed)
Despite all that, it's still a better place than this one we're in now (definitely larger, anyway)
Let's see....what else is there??
Oh yeah....
FHG #2 has been telling us that she wants to move out of the place she's in
Mind you, she was saying that pretty much every second day at one point when she first arrived on the scene at the start of April last year!!
For the past few months she has been saying that she wants to move out of that place (she's living in a Rooming House), and has supposedly been looking at places to Rent....apparently to the extent of going to Sashs (a division of the Salvos that supposedly deal with crises accommodation, but, I've found them to be rather useless myself), and giving 6-week's Notice....which would end in the next week or so
I honestly don't know whether she realizes that, if she wants to get into Private Rental, she will need Bond as well as First Rent, up front....not to mention now needing 100 points of ID these days even just to look at a place!!
Department of Housing (or whatever they call themselves these days) will cover the Bond, sure, in the right circumstances, but, only up to a certain amount, and definitely not up to what even the cheaper places ask for these days....which is one reason why I haven't made use of them to move out yet myself....partially because of the financial aspect, but also because I don't have any valid Photo ID, as it's all expired :-(
That aside....
When the Pups were born, she supposedly had marked two of them for herself - the two black ones - which she wanted to give to her family..
Rent Guy didn't care about that and proceeded to make arrangements for selling those as well
That got FHG #2 so pissed off that she took Dawg and went back to her place....even though she's not allowed to have pets there!!
Oh yeah, and she ripped the side mirror off Rent Guy's car on the way as well :-/
As far as I'm concerned, she has no grounds for complaining....she knew from the start that Rent Guy had Dog, and what his plans were in that regard....she chose to get Dawg knowing full well that she wouldn't be able to keep her at the Rooming House she was in, and so allowed her to stay with Rent Guy and Dog....and still complained when Dog got Dawg pregnant
Yes, she may well have been looking to get a place of her own, but, think it would have been advisable to get that sorted *before* worrying about getting a pet :-/
I said to her a few times....sorta half-jokingly....that she just had to wait a couple of months for the next Litter....she didn't find that particularly amusing....can't understand why :-p
Understandably at the moment, I'm just trying to stay as neutral as possible
female house guest #2,
rent guy