Back In Time

Oct 14, 2013 09:36

Yesterday marked the Centenary of the School I went to last - Sunshine Technical School….a.k.a…..Sunshine Tech….a.k.a…..Sunny Tech

I was there from 1981 to 1984, and yet, it seemed like only yesterday….

Well, in this case, it *was* only yesterday :-p

Technically though, it wasn’t a Centenary, as, although Sunshine Tech was apparently founded on Monday, October 13, 1913, it also Folded some time in 1991 as well….and got turned into a Nursing Home from what I hear too

When I was in my final year there, there was talk about it merging with the TAFE that was next door….that, or with Footscray TAFE, which they had at least some links with anyway….evidently, they chose the former, and became Sunshine College, as Footscray TAFE is now part of Victoria University, and probably has been for some time, and the School that I knew as Sunny Tech has now been in use as a School again, but, only for Year 10 and 11, and most likely only in the last few years

As such, it now has two Principals….one for the College, who was a Math Teacher in my day, and one for the old School, and both were there yesterday, but it was the one for the College that was overseeing everything

There were a few changes here and there….most notably, what was the Vice-Principal’s Office in my time, is now the ‘Office of Well-Being’….I’m guessing that’s the new term for ‘School Counsellor’ or something :-/

Beyond that, though there were to be tours (which I didn’t stay for, as I arrived early, and managed to have a look around on my own before anyone else turned up), things hadn’t changed too much in the past 30 years :-/

I stayed for a couple  of hours, didn’t see anyone that I would have liked to catch up with, and managed to avoid at least one person that I *didn’t* want to catch up with, and then came home

Still….it was nice to see the old School once again :-)

Managed to get a CD of Photos from throughout the history of the School….many of which I see were just taken from the Facebook Groups associated with the School, as one of them was mine, and, as I was there for four years and that was the only one I ever got, clearly they copied it from where I posted it in the Facebook Group

No matter

Oh…..incidentally….if you’ve seen the latest AAMI Commercial, the one where Rhonda attends her School Reunion, that was filmed in the Assembly Hall for Sunny Tech :-)

schools, memories

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