Sep 27, 2013 05:58
Sooner or later, I guess….
As my Readers would know by now, Rent Guy has had a number of cars here on-and-off since February
Well, yesterday afternoon, about 4:30 - ish, one of them caught fire!!
I have no idea how it happened….first I knew about it was when Rent Guy was outside and knocked on the side window to get my attention….I thought he was just wanting me to help him move one of the cars, as he’s often done that, but no, as soon as I opened the front door, I was greeted with a blazing car
Rent Guy started a small attempt at a bucket brigade by filling something with water (I didn’t see what it was) and using that on the fire, until he went and got the hose from the back yard, and, while he was hosing the car with that, he kept on telling me to get water to use on the car, saying, “Water, please”
I tried to tell him that water was the wrong thing to use on something like that, as it would just end up spreading the fire, but of course he wouldn’t listen, and so I went and got a saucepan and used that - going back-and-forth in a sort of bucket brigade of my own
While all this was going on, Rent Guy called the Fire Brigade, and they arrived a few minutes later….but not before I heard a bang, which I think might have been the Petrol Tank….if so, it must have been pretty much empty, as there wasn’t an explosion as such, just a loud bang
As per usual though….there were idiots in cars blocking the access way!!
Rent Guy even went up and started directing the traffic to move out of the way
The Firies came in with their High-Pressure Hose (which is the only time water will have any effect in a Petrol Fire), and they quickly made short work of the fire, but still kept spraying the car, and the roof of the house, just to make sure, and then they spoke to Rent Guy for their Report
Whether Rent Guy actually Learns anything at all from any of this, is anyone’s guess….
In that area, he had two cars and the Crane Truck, as well as a LPG Tank right up against the house
I doubt the idiot even had a Fire Extinguisher!!
Just as I doubt that even this encounter will be enough for him to get one….or….more to the point, finally get rid of all those cars!!
Sadly, I think it’s a safe bet that he won’t have Learned anything out of any of this….especially as he had a customer calling him a few minutes after all this, and he *still* thought it was a good idea for them to come over!!
rent guy