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Apr 28, 2012 13:36

Alllllllllllllrighty then....

Well, Wednesday came and went, and Daughter didn't turn up, and Thursday came and went, and Female House Guest didn't turn up....

This morning (Saturday), Other Guy and I went to the Cash Converters north of Deer Park, in Dehany Village, because he got told by Daughter (but maybe via Mutual Friend) that Female House Guest had taken a Loan out on the watch there, for $70, and that if he wanted it back, he would have to give her $100 so that she could go in and get it, and pay the Interest on it

If that alone isn't Proof that she took it, I don't know what is


Went to Cash Converters to try and get some answers, and managed to speak to one of the Managers there, who naturally was in a bind as far as Privacy Issues were concerned, but, still looked to see if there was anything matching that Description

He said to us, "I can't confirm or deny anything, but, you might want to call The Police"

Other Guy did that, and he gave them the Details and got the Cash Converters Manager to call them as well

After all that, he came back and gave us some Options....

One was that Other Guy could make a Formal Complaint, and have Female House Guest arrested and charged

His response was that he doesn't care what happens to her as long as he gets his watch back

So....the watch is now in a separate area, and there will be a Notification to the point that if she goes in there again, to call The Police

Trouble is, though, we don't actually know where she is, and she's not answering her phone (gee....I *wonder* why??)

Failing that she doesn't actually show up, the other Option is to wait out the Loan Period (30 days), and pay the $70 plus Interest to get it back

Going by the Expiry Date on that, after she left here on the Sunday, she took it to Cash Converters on the Monday, which was the 23rd

We'll see what happens, I guess

female house guest, theft

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