I'll Drink To That

Jul 05, 2011 17:31

For a few years now, I've often thought that, if I were to Win The Lottery, and still wanted to actually continue *Working*, running a Pub of some kind might be a nice idea :-)

Something relatively quiet, where friends can gather over a Drink and a Meal....kinda like Cheers, I guess

I've contemplated having it as a Welsh Pub, and maybe calling it the Most-Inn or something, but....aside from Welsh Rarebit, I know nothing about Welsh Food

My not being able to actually Cook is irrelevant, as I would be getting a Cook in that regard anyway :-)

I've also thought about having as a place just for Fandom, and either calling it The Batcave, or maybe The Replica Bar or something

If I called it The Batcave, though, I'd probably incure some kind of Copyright Infringement :-(

Also thought of Quark's Bar or Fresh Air, but they'd probably have the same Problems :-(

As to what kind of Food etc. I would have there??

Well, I have K'Tesh's Recipes, two Star Trek Cook Books, a Star Trek Bartender's Guide, and a Babylon 5 Cook Book, so, in that regard at least, having something to Eat or Drink won't be an Issue :-)

Oh....if I were to go with The Replica Bar, I'd have examples of some of the things I've Scratchbuilt :-)

Granted, a Pub of any description can be risky....just look at what happened to Planet Hollywood and The All-Star Cafe

We won't even mention The Fashion Cafe (****cough****) :-p

In terms of Planet Hollywood though, their biggest problem was Greed

Charging $15 for a Burger, no matter how good it might be, and expecting people to actually Pay it, no doubt assisted in their downfall

To Quote from Pulp Fiction

Vincent: That's a pretty fucking good milkshake. I don't know if it's worth five dollars but it's pretty fucking good.

Well....if I *were* to ever do it....regardless of what I might want to call it and regardless of what it would be like, it would probably only be if I won The Lottery, and as such, I probably wouldn't be too concerned if it was a Success or a Failure :-)

Plus, I wouldn't be charging outrageous Prices, either

As I said....Fandom Only would be prefered, so that we can have some place to relax, enjoy a Rokeg Blood Pie and some Blood Wine....in Full Klingon Battle Armour, if that's what we want to do....and not feel embarrased in doing so (should that indeed be the case, I would probably try and have a 'Klingon Section' where they can feel free to be 'Klingon' if they wish to) :-)

Oh well....one can Dream, I guess :-)

fandom, klingons, food, science fiction, drinking, dreams, scratchbuilding

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