Jun 17, 2011 10:31
>If you could have a power that helps you with day-to-day living, like the ability to always get a seat on the bus, what would choose, and why?
I would have to say either being able to read minds so that, when I go to a Job Interview, I can tell when the Interviewer is lying to me when they say, "We've still got some Interviews to do, and will let you know by next week", or so that I can at least figure out exactly what they want to hear that will allow me to get the Job, and act accordingly....rather than having to hear back a month later that I didn't get the Job (without ever having an Interview, mind you)
Failing that....the ability to just get whatever Job I might want to apply for....preferably without going through the B.S. of an Interview (which a number of Companies don't even seem to bother with these days....no....they just skim through your C.V. (or otherwise get someone else to do it for them), and throw out whichever ones don't have the 'Key Words' that they might be looking for, and only *then* do they seem to do any Interviewing)
writer's block