Back in November, I mentioned a Book about the various Starships known as ENTERPRISE, from, well, a Mechanic's Point Of View, I guess, as it was done by the people that do the Mechanic's Manuals in Britain
Here's the Post in question for those that want to check it Obviously, it was then only a matter of time before they did similar ones for other Shows
To that end, they have also done one for Wallace and Gromit, which came out about two months ago Based on these two now being available, I did a Search in Amazon UK to see what else might be available.... While there's the obvious ones for the various Vehicles in Britain, there seem to be a few interesting ones as the Space Shuttle one and the Apollo 11 one, for example
Doesn't appear to be one for Dr. Who or StarGate yet, but, I guess that's only a matter of time :-)