I saw a Program on S.B.S. last night called How Mad Are You?
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1350121/ This is a two-part Doco with a Group of 10 Volunteers - 5 with some kind of Disorder and 5 without - who spend a week going through various Tasks while 3 Psychiatrists try and Diagnose the Group - all Based on Observations only, and with no help from the people concerned unless they happen to guess correctly
So far, the Group have been made to Perform some Stand-Up Comedy, with only a few hours preparation, and the next day made to clean up Cow Shit at a Farm (wearing protective clothing, of course)
The Psychiatrists have so far managed to correctly Diagnose one of the Group with O.C.D., and falsely Diagnose another as having no Disorders at all
All so far with only 3 days Observation
All they *do* know, is what the Disorders actually are
What they *don't* know, is who actually *have* the Disorders, so it's effectively a case of mix and match, based merely on Observations
It's kind of like a 'Big Brother' thing I guess, and the Main Focus is to point out that people with Disorders (such as myself, as I have Depression, Anger Issues, and probably some mild O.C.D., as well as probably a few others), quite often don't actually show any Signs of having any Disorders, and can (with appropriate Treatment or Medication, as well as probably some Career Guidance), still be productive members of Society :-)
They still have 2 days to go in this particular Program, which will be shown next week I guess :-)