Feb 25, 2008 16:30


I have been in this place for just under three years now, and I think it’s time that I started thinking about Moving

Don’t get me wrong, the place itself is okay, but it is far too Expensive for what it offers….even with people on duty at Reception all the time from 07:00 - 21:00, with Security at all other Times, it’s still far too Expensive, regardless of whether it’s in the C.B.D. or not

So….this year, I think I’ll be seriously thinking about Moving….even if it has to be back to ‘The Burbs’ again

At least there, I’ll be getting more for my money (in Theory, anyway)

The only need I really have for a place that has Reception Staff, is when I get a Package….otherwise I’d be having to stuff around trying to make other Arrangements….especially if I’m Working, as, in any other place, I’d be taking my Chances by having a Package lying around for me all day….’Manager’ on Duty or otherwise (and I know from Experience of what I speak there)

I have even tried Applying for Work here in this place….

The first time was almost 3 years ago….in other words….only a few months after I moved in, and the Manager here took more than a year and a half to get back to me about it!!

Initially, when he did so, he discussed a Job that he had in mind for me and I accepted it, but it wasn’t due to start for another 4 months

Thing was though, that he didn’t want any of the other Staff knowing about it, so my being able to ask him about it since then proved to be somewhat difficult

When I did finally manage to do so, however, he said that he had changed his mind about that Job….which was to entail getting rid of the Security Guard, and just have 24/7 Reception….thus, he chose to keep the Guard and just keep things going as they had been

I have since tried a couple more times for Work here….only to be told by the Deputy Manager that “When someone leaves, there’ll be a Vacancy”

There has since been a Vacancy Advertised, even though no-one has left, and so I Applied again….only to get a Response to my E-Mail in the form of “Phil’s got nothing better to do, he’s applying for work here again”

Obviously, they’re of the Opinion here that I’m only Applying for Work here merely to be a Pest, and not because I actually want to (****Shock Horror****) work here

While I get along with the rest of the Staff….generally speaking….some of them seem to be giving the impression that they’re getting annoyed with me….almost to the extent of, “Oh, it’s HIM again….what does he want now?”

So yes, dear reader, I think I have Answered my own Question, and will set about this year, as I can, to Save whatever money I can, while looking for as Decent a place that I can find, for as Decent a Price as I can find, and as close to the C.B.D. as I can find

That last point isn’t really Compulsory, as any ‘Burb’ that I would be ultimately moving to, would entail me having to use Public Transport to get to and from Work, if my Work is in the C.B.D. (or another ‘Burb’ altogether, for that matter), it would still be nice to at least have the Option of Walking, if I can (usually faster than the Tram here in the C.B.D. anyway)

Granted, that will then mean that I can't say "I live in Melbourne" (as in the C.B.D.) any more....but....I think it has at least (or at last) started to lose its 'Charm' on me....

The 'Novelty' has worn off, you might say :-(

expensive rent, moving, apartment living

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