Christmas Cards

Aug 22, 2009 11:15

I happened to glance up at my Calender this morning, and saw that it's nearly the end of August, and found myself starting to Think, "Egads....The Stores will be starting to Stock for Christmas soon, and The Tree itself will go up in both The City Square and probably The Little Square (the one just past Melbourne Town Hall) in the next month or so....I had best start Thinking about my Christmas Card List soon, then"

Scoff if you will over that Line of Thinking, but, when The Tree has been known to be put up as early as Late September/Early October, and The T.V. Networks have made a Start on their Christmas Movies not long after, and The Stores have been known to Stock for Christmas anything up to a month earlier than that, then, Wrong or Right, I'm clearly not the only one with that kind of Thinking....especially when Australia Post has been known to urge people to Post their Christmas Cards *NO Later* that the end of November, for *any Chance* of them getting Delivered in Time for Christmas

Not really being one for Believing in an Over-Priced 'Holiday Season' myself, I do still nonetheless still like to Believe in The Concept, and what it *Truly* Means....

Just a Pity that we don't get to see too much actual Evidence of that, huh?

In any case....

Last year, I don't think I bothered with Christmas Cards at all....or....if I did, they were just 'Generic' ones from The Reject Shop

The year before that, I just used some 'Coat Of Arms' Cards that I got from Cafe Press

This year, though, I'm Planning to Make my own, and use a couple of Humourous Designs....

Haven't Decided yet which one of them I'll actually Use, or indeed, whether I'll just use both Designs, and Choose at Random as to who gets which

I'll probably Decide on that one once I start Printing them (once I've set up a Table in WORD, and Re-Sized these Pictures as I need to, in order for them to be Used as 'Christmas Cards' in the first place)

As for what I'll be using for 'Card Envelopes'....

Well, for that I'll just get some of those 'Generic' Cards from The Reject Shop, and just use the Envelopes from there....which will also allow me to 'Size' these 'Cards' properly, as I'll have the Envelopes by then to allow me to make these Cards to a Size that will actually *Fit* the Envelopes in the first place :-D

christmas cards

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