Jul 12, 2009 19:18
>What was the last great party you attended?
There's an Annual Party, Hosted by Dragon Man, which I try and go to every year....and have pretty much done so since 1996
These are Theme Parties which he does for a *Small* number of Friends
Time was when he used to do these Parties twice a year, and would have anything up to 500 (or more) at each one, but, he's....'Scaled' them down a bit in the last few years, and thus he only does one each year (or couple of years, in a couple of cases), and *generally* has no more than 100 people, but that often Depends on Circumstances at the Time
As these are Themed Parties, the *Idea* is for people to 'Dress-Up'
I've only done so at a couple of his Parties, though....
Not in any way out of Dis-Respect, far from it, but merely because I didn't have anything to wear that would be Suited for the Party, so I generally just wear my 'Normal' Clothes
Each Theme is generally Different, although there *have* been some....'Variations' on the same Theme at times (60's party, 50's Party, 70's Party), but usually they're Based on what Mood he might be in at the time, as to which Idea he might Choose for that particular Party
Bigger Themes he's done were The Millennium Party, where he had the Use of a School at the time, and made a Volcano, and the Aliens Party before that one, where Hired the Local 'Dark Zone' (Lazer Tag)....all Three Floors of it....and made an Alien Queen for it (which I think is still there, some 10 years later)
For the Alien one, naturally, I wore my Klingon Battle Armour }}:-{)>
For others, though, I've mainly just worn my Normal Clothes....
There were a couple, though, where I wore my 'Dr Who' Scarf (yes, all Three Metres of it) and went as 'The Doctor' :-)
Got away with doing *that* one about 3 of his Parties, I think :-D
Since 1997, I have also been Supplying these Parties with my 'Famous' Saurian Brandy, which the Regulars seem to Enjoy as well :-)
writer's block,