(no subject)

Jun 19, 2004 21:24

Name?: JJ
Birthday?: January 12th
Age?: 15
Hair color?: Brown
Eye color?: Blue
How tall are you?: 5,10
Where do you live?: on my computer
Do you go to school?: not in the summer....
If so what one?: I used to go to Prequa....
*Love life
Single?: Yes
If so do you wish you werent?: yes
If you could go out with one person, anyone in the world, who would it be?: can i pass on this one?
What was the name of your first boyfriend/ girlfriend?: none
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: still waiting
Do you want to get married one day?: Probably
Want to have kids?: Only if i get married
Whats your all time favorite kind of music?: ummm rock
Who is your all time favorite music artist?: BARENAKED LADIES
Are you listening to any music right now?: yep
If so, what is it?: Barenaked ladies
Do you secretly want to be in a band?: sure why not
Do you think MTV sucks?: most of the time
What do you think of Avril Lavigne?: tries to hard to be punk
*Random questions from the top of my head
Do you have a cell phone?: yes
Whats the last movie you saw?: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Isnt the movie ELF halarious?: funny but he needs to lose the spandex and get real pants
What are you wearing right now?: Jeans, Shoes, Socks, Underware, Undershirt, T-Shirt
What does your hair look like?: Extremely short
What are 3 things your afraid of?: Storms, some people..., and computer crashes
Whats a cd you could listen to 743 times in a row?: Barenaked Ladies Maroon
Have you ever dated someone online?: no
Do you enjoy talking on the phone?: I dont do it too much
Have you ever sat on a roof?: no
Who was the last person you saw?: My dad
Do you think one of your friends mom/ dad is hot?: not really
Are you talking to someone right now?: No
Do you like grapefruit?: no
Did you cry at the movie 'A walk to remember'?: never saw it
Do you love someone?: dont think so
Do you like coffee?: nope
Are you happy this survey is over?: I learned about myself

WOW my life is boring lol and im sorry but i do not know how to put LJ cuts into my entries.
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