(no subject)

Mar 18, 2018 06:52

Каждый раз общаясь с прогибиционистами, особенно с так называемой образованщинной (или как они называют себя в США - enlightened - просвещенные, еби их в рот) поражаешься безграмотности в вопросе о котором они берутся рассуждать помноженной на уверенности в собственной правоте. Причем я пониманию что можно не разбираться в оружии, не всем интересно, но как блядь сдав экзамен на гражданство, где надо было учить основы civics (обществознания), можно быть настолько тупым чтобы не понимать разницу между "суд вынес решение" и "суд не принял дело в расмотрение" - я теряюсь. Такое ощущение что в либералы записывают после экзамена на отсуствие знаний и умения думать.

На зато в ходе процесса наткнулся на хороший фраза-за фразой разбор второй поправки

Вырезка из статьи, вся статья тут

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


MEANS: hooked up; well outfitted; well provided for; has lots of all the latest and greatest things; well-armed
DOES NOT MEAN: heavily legislated; under intense governmental scrutiny; subject to lots of laws and ordinances


MEANS: the populace; a general, unofficial body of those citizens physically able to engage in combat; those of us who have guns; a self organized and self managed group of people gathered for the purposes of defense
DOES NOT MEAN: official, government-sanctioned, -approved, and -run military installment that is slightly less formal than the Armed Forces; a junior or local sub-branch of the federal Armed Forces


MEANS: is the reason why; is required for; also, the wording here, and the preceding comma, replaces using “because this…” at the beginning of the sentence as we would use it today - it’s just rearranged
DOES NOT MEAN: if it becomes needed; only when needed; in times of threat but not otherwise


MEANS: the defense of freedoms; the protection of rights and freedoms; maintaining sovereignty; protection from takeover (foreign or domestic)
DOES NOT MEAN: keeping us safe from any danger whatsoever; the protection of individuals from individuals


MEANS: full personal entitlement; the freedom; the free ability; the personal decision whether or not to; the God-given, free and clear, dependent only upon existing, choice
DOES NOT MEAN: sometimes, depending upon some people’s opinion, the ability to; the ability to, dependent upon whether or not one is allowed


MEANS: all legal inhabitants; all citizens of legal age of majority/responsibility
DOES NOT MEAN: some citizens, if they meet certain criteria; those citizens who have certain abilities or characteristics; only those citizens who qualify; citizens who meet certain restrictions or requirements; all citizens except those who do not meet certain qualifications


MEANS: ‘to participate in any actions associated with’; to possess and carry and use in any manner; to have; to acquire; to carry on their person or in their conveyance
DOES NOT MEAN: to own but have stored elsewhere; to be issued as and when, according to circumstances; to have a limited number of; to own but leave administration of to others; to have but with restrictions


MEANS: weapons or armament of any kind; offensive or defensive weapons; ordnance; guns, missiles, swords, knives, cannon, explosives; ammunition for weapons; any instrument intended for defense or offense against any person or thing; any item necessary to operate or maintain the above
DOES NOT MEAN: certain kinds of weapons; some but not all defensive implements;


MEANS: must never, ever, under any circumstances, be, no matter what
DOES NOT MEAN: should not be; will hopefully not be; can only be under some conditions; can be, if legally restricted; is allowed to be if new laws are created


MEANS: taken away; restricted in any way; put conditions or requirements upon; diminished; changed or updated; made new laws about; limited in any way; re-legislated; detracted from; invalidated
DOES NOT MEAN: taken away, unless lots of people think it should be; changed, unless opinions change; updated, if people think that’s what they want

THEREFORE, were the second amendment written today, it would read:

Because a thoroughly hooked up and well-armed population is the only way our nation will ever be able to remain free and sovereign, and the only way we will ever keep our rights and liberties, every single person in this country is freely allowed to possess any firearm or weapon and use said weapon in any way, and nobody is allowed to ever change or restrict, or limit laws about, or prevent any citizen from owning, keeping, or using any kind of firearm or weapon, even if people think that’s what they want.

share, Ши Хуан Ди был прав, guns, америжизненное, laws

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