So a couple of people know this story, but I want to post it here. It is THE ADVENTURE OF TARA APPING CARLOS. Since there were THINGS about his age and mass lols along the way of app writing.
"Haha I want to app Carlos!"
Assuming he is counselor-aged. THAT IS COOL. I have time to work on this app! Usually big informational fan-sites for series are ... correct in their character information, although there are instances of MISTAKES. Site surfing, he is 28 years old! Cool beans.
I START APP. And chill out, surf around other Resident Evil sources and sites and funsies. I come across a time line! With a birthyear for Carlos. Anal as I am, I wanted to check if it was still right, so I do the math between that and the point in canon he came in. ... around 25! This does not match up!
But still counselor aged, so it's all cool! BUT LIKE I JUST SAID I am anal, so I wanted CLARIFICATION.
"Man. Where can I possibly find something with solid-canon? Oh! I wonder if anything is in my old RE3: Nemesis PSX game booklet!"
So I yoink my old game out, and flip open the book. AHA, CANON INFORMATION!
Now CONFUSED AND WORRIED ABOUT APPING, I chilled around to try and find another canon source for this. Because he ... does look 21, sometimes! But at the same time, not 21, READ: you can make a case for either if he had no canon age.
Hit up some RE communities and forums, and then finally got a backing answer! There is a spiffy book I want to buy sometime called the Resident Evil Archives Book, which is one of those canon info/story/art books (I love books like that!) that someone mentioned they had. Which does indeed also state that Carlos is 21!
So then I was like okay I need to tweak the app some to make it a camper.
And then went OH FUCK ME SIDEWAYS CAMPER APPS ARE THIS FRIDAY. So spent the rest of the week WRITING and flailing to make the deadline.