[Blog] Tik nervu ...

Nov 26, 2010 20:44

Es nesaprotu...Kā var viens cilvēks veikt šādu haoss?! Ir dokumenti visur! Neviens no šiem ieņēmumiem ir kārtībā! Tas ir briesmīgi ...Daudzi no tiem ir izbalējis vai ripped. Tas būs tik grūti, kā Misters Beilschmidt, bet, ja es tikai mēģināt nedomāt par to ... Viņš nav briesmīgs, patiešām, tikai neticami arrogant. Un neorganizēta ... un ....Dievs, vienkārši nekad prātā.

At least the zoo was a nice distraction (thank you again for the invitation, Berwald) and yesterday was peaceful it was cute, listening to Peter play with Mobile Suit Badass as he called it.

Tomorrow- tomorrow we'll be moving into our new apartment.  I'll admit... I'll miss this place. The lighting is shoddy, there are mice and that drunk on the corner that likes to sing at four am but... It was my first real home away from Latvia.

I'm so nervous I don't know if I can sleep tonight...

I don't understand... how can one man make such a mess?! There are papers everywhere! None of these receipts are in order! It's terrible... many of them are faded or ripped. It will be as difficult as Mr. Beilschmidt, but if I just try not to think about ... He's not horrible, really, just incredibly arrogant. And disorganized ... and .... God, never mind.

latvia, m-married?, happy, real world, apartment, holidays

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