Oct 29, 2010 02:44
Mine isn't here, at least. I had another disturbing nightmare involving...father. And of course what wakes me up but a call from Andrejs asking me if I'm going to participate in this American holiday like I did last year.
Andrejs, I know you have questionable ties with mother's even more questionable vocation, but do you really have to be so weird about it? I don't need my family surveying everything I do. I'm an adult- a married man. I don't really appreciate the thought of my privacy with my husband in my own home being in jeopardy.
And no, I am not dressing up as anything but myself. Please remember I have work in the mornings and Peter has classes. Next time you call, can you do it with this time zone in mind?
Kuces dēls...
I'm going back to bed.