Jan 25, 2004 12:49
my voice is scratchy. and my body is tired but I am awake. it was a good show tonight. paul and tate came and we rocked out. well I did most of the rocking but we had our moments. I was attacked with a hug barrage.
well this entry has taken two and a half hours now, because santi got home and asked if anyone wanted to go to saturn, which was exactly what I had wanted to do since the show was over. so lauren, santi and I went and it was great. I love them both. I wish I were a better friend to them, and spent more time hanging out around here. something to work on I guess. saturn is great, it is totally becoming my favorite place. well at least for late night adventures. asian rose is taking over the day time favorite. I am so going there tomorrow.
speaking of tomorrow. this is a sample schedule just that:
10:00ish wake up. go to coffee with matt. go to laurens rugby game. play catch. see friends from south pas. see friends from here. meet nicole. go to asian rose with nicole. go to my house with nicole. play music. bid nicole sweet farewell and go to work. work. get off. yeah. go to party with paul, and who ever else will come. possibilities include: nicole, sarah, rachel, and my house. sleep
today the idea of getting a tattoo, or actually a few really small tattoos popped in my head. I was thinking of getting the word hope on the first space of the inside of my fingers on my left hand. does that make sense? what do you think?
its raining and I love it. there is something about .......