Jun 29, 2004 01:23
Well Hello to everyone who is reading this. Tomarrow I leave to Illinoise, Chicago. I will be gone for about 2 weeks. It sucks, i leave when people start getting back from there vacation. Hermann, and Lia arrive around the 3rd, and Joe arrives tomarrrow i think. So that means i wont see them for a month, just about. Thats a long time. Hermann, dont even try to sneak in my house, my grandma will be here sometimes. Hermann, do me a favor, and come by now and then to check on Oreo and GG. Thanks. Oh, and Happy Birthday to Cody, Melanie, and my good friend Hermann. I am not going to be here for there Birthdays, so i hope you guys have a good time, and enjoy your Birthdays. Well, I hope you guys have fun. Tonight Cody had a little getty. We watched Bad Santa. That movie is so freaken funny. lol Thanks Cody for having us over. Well guys i got to go to sleep. I wake up early tomarrow. Ill be getting online here and there from Chicago. So take care. My last entry till my return. Hope you enjoyed it....~1~ Comment if your bored, it will keep me entertained. BYE!