My work permits me to watch television. Because of that I sit through marathons of shows I wouldn't normally spend much time with. The following are just some observations and opinions on some of the programs.
Make Me A Supermodel:
This show is pretty egh. It's easy enough to watch because of the vainess of it. The highlight of this series is judge / photographer Perou. He is such a super douchey real life villain and because of that he makes the show interesting. Each week he looks like a bald 40 year old baby that raided a childrens costume bargain blowout bin. Depending on the week he can look like a prom-night superhero, a future cop or a burka draped sorceror complete with evil conjuring finger length rings. He's the real reason to watch the show.
The Fashion Show:
This one seems like a pretty pissed down version of Project Runway. Obviously when PR left the channel Bravo needed to fill a serious void but in their efforts to do so they cranked out a malformed baby of a program. It has all the ingredients in place but it never seems to come out right. Above anything else it's the look of the show that bothers me most. Whereas PR was bright and energetic, The Fashion Show just seems kind of dark and depressed. It looks like it was shot in a windowless conference room of a hotel. The colors are all dark and lend the tone a boring and downtrodden quality.
It's watchable but nowhere near the quality of PR, but then again it's the first season and things might get better.
Real Housewives of New Jersey:
FUCK YEAH. This has everything I like in a shitty reality TV show. Basically it's like this but with women, fighting and hookering around.
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Lastly, Animal Planet's Whale Wars has a second season. Having never known about the first season I am very excited about this show, to the point where it's keeping me up at night.