Yes, this is the terribly late second month update. A lot has been going on this month and its been awesome. My emotions have become SO level and easy. I get pissy some, I get angry a lot... but I don't get highly upset even then. My libido is like... insatiable. I get horny and I want sex, Now, Right Now, Lots of it. That part /would/ be rough to deal with, but I have my pretty Rohan to help me with that. He doesn't mind. :) He's glad that I finally have a sex drive.
Time time time is never on our side tho. We're constantly saying 'Damn, is it that late already?' and wondering where our precious time went. We barely have time to see our friends, who unfortunately have low time to see us too right now. We don't get things done as we want to... we end up rushing about wishing we had more time... it stinks... but ah... its grand to be so in love. Each moment is so wonderful.
My asthma is getting worse again tho... so its harder to exercise.. harder to breathe. I'm still working on it. I don't work out as much as I should, but I'm trying to get more in the habbit. I keep getting ill tho. Like today. I woke up very ill. I've been having some nasty stomach aches and the related bathroom visits on constant. I'm hoping it'll die out quickly. I hate being sick... cept that I don't eat much.
PICS!!!!!My leg hair is turning darker and darker. My stomach is starting to grow hairs. My body shape is changing drastically to a point that when I walk by a mirror, I often glance up because I see such a different shape in my peripheral vision that I think its someone else. My shoulders and upper body look perfectly masculine (minus the breasts, which I grow to hate more and more.) Side note- At first, I wasn't sure I'd want surgery. I told myself I could just bind.. and that has quickly become an absolute NO WAY! I hate the breasts. I hate them and I want them gone.
My lower body is picking up too. I have more of a gut but less and less hips and ass. My thighs are shrinking also. I'm loving my more "stout and burly" look over the old "simply fat" look... tho I intend to lose more weight and make it more of a "Sturdy yet compact" look. :)
My biggest changes: I have facial hair!!! My lip has grown a peach fuzz mustache. My face is fuzzy all around. Hehehehe.
VOICE!!!! has become much deeper. (yes,
VOICE!!!! is the clip link.) I'm loving the deep voice.
I feel overall, this is definately what I needed... my life has improved 100 fold since I began my transition and just gets better and better. I'm so happy... that's what matters right?
Take care World,
-Arsiei Rei Darksbane-