a bunch of... Nakamaru's Shops!

Sep 28, 2014 02:07

Hello everybody!!
oshisashiburi desu ne...

First of all, I'm back to dedicate and celebrate my friend's past birthday. Dearest Aimee (itz_menos-san), HAPPY BIRHTDAY DEAR!!
like I said to you, I wish you the best, fulfill all you want in your life and well, huggles and sweet cakes ❤⃛(*´∀`*)♡
so here's the little gift, a bunch of Maru's shops to enjoy!

Nakamaru Jr. Shops
click on pic to full preview

links: M - MF

Johnny's Film Festa 2006 - Nakamaru Jun Matsumoto Ryo Nishikido
click on pic to full preview

links: M - MF

Nakamaru Mix Shops
click on pic to full preview

links: M - MF

Notes: I know the shops are in a  kind of messy orz I couln't organise them. It's hard to find time to check each concerts and performances so, all i know is there're from Real Face, Looking Concert, II You, Kaizokuban, etc etc lol don't remember :/
Hope you enjoy them!
note2: Because we can't share Jin's things is some communities, you can check the rest of the shops here
note3: I still have some Maru things so share... look forward to it! lol

¡!{Feel free to take and use for anything and everywhere. Do not credit as your! and Do not hotlink! }

enjoy the rest of the weeken :)


nakamaru yuichi, kat-tun, download: shops, 2014

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