That survey that everybody's been taking

Jun 29, 2004 18:18

Name: Jake
Height: 6’2” or so
Shoe size: 13
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: blue
Hair length: getting longer, but still medium for a guy
Siblings: little brother Buddha and all my family in group sax
Nickname(s): mammoth, and some slightly older ones
Spell your first name backwards: ekaj (looks Arabic for some reason)
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Pets: none, wish I had a dog though

[Have you ever:]
Tried a weight loss program?: no
Jumped on a trampoline?: yeah
Visited another country?: yeah
Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)?: :D of course!
Had a bubble bath?: not in my recollection
Been on a plane?: yeah
Been on a boat?: yeah
Been on a train?: yeah
Been in a car accident?: yeah, wasn’t at all bad though
Ridden an elephant?: nope
Made a web page?: yes
Played with Barbies?: I used to steal them from my neighbors and tear their heads off, does that count?
Stayed up all night?: yeah
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: yeah
Broken a bone?: no
Called a physic or sex hotline?: no
Watched Jerry Springer?: no
Been in the hospital (not visiting)?: yeah, the damn stitches in my arm (and other occasions that shall remain nameless
Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: yeah
Been afraid of the dark?: not really
Had stitches?: yeah
Dumped someone and regretted it?: no
Went out with more than one person at a time?: no
Fallen asleep in class?: yeah, MES
Used food for something other than eating?: ammunition
Met a celebrity?: yeah
Broken the law?: yeah
Hated yourself?: more than you could ever believe
Been brokenhearted?: yeah
Fell off a chair?: I broke the chair
Lap danced?: HELL NO!!!!
Worn black nail polish?: umm no
Hugged a tree?: not to my knowledge
Seen a ghost?: no
Seen an alien?: no
Had sex?: no
Done drugs?: no
Been dumped?: yes
Hiked on a mountain?: yes
Been cheated on?: no
Cheated on someone?: no
Tried smoking cigarettes?: no
Smoked pot?: no
Drank alcohol?: yeah, but I can’t stand the smell of the stuff
Played Monopoly?: yeah
Lied to someone?: too often...
Been arrested?: no

[Do you:]
Like to give hugs?: yeah
Like to walk in the rain?: yeah
Sleep with or without clothes on?: with
Prefer black or blue pens?: black
Dress up on Halloween?: to scare the midgets, always fun
Have a job?: not right now
Like to travel?: yeah
Like someone?: Not sure anymore
Sleep on your side, stomach, or back?: doesn’t matter, I don’t move when I sleep
Ever want to get married?: yeah
Have any fish?: no
Ever have a falling dream?: really don’t like those, I have a height phobia
Have stuffed animals?: probly somewhere
Go on vacation?: yeah
Believe in horoscopes?: not at all, no matter how true they may be
Like your handwriting?: no
Like cartoons?: yes
Believe in the devil?: if there is a god, there must be a devil, the universe always finds a way to balance itself out
Have any tattoos?: no
Have any piercings?: no
Own a miniskirt?: HELL NO
Use big words to sound smart?: I use big words, but I know what they mean, so I suppose I do
Have a magic 8 ball? : used to, then I threw it at the wall. Needless to say it didn’t survive
See dead people?: maybe
Believe in fate?: yeah
Like children?: depends
Ever steal anything from hotels?: yes
Believe in ghosts?: possibly
Aliens?: yeah we cant be alone in the universe, its too big!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not at present
Wish you could live somewhere else?: no
Ever think about suicide?: no
Want (more) piercings?: can’t say that I do
Want (more) tattoos?: when I get older I am probly
Like cleaning?: not especially, I have to clean up after Buddha too much
Like roller coasters?: height phobia, but I will go on them
Write in cursive or print?: print
Like candles?: yeah
Like the taste of blood?: no comment
Believe in love?: yes
Believe in soul mates?: yes
Believe in God?: to a degree

Who do you admire?: no one at the moment
What's the one place you want to visit before you die?: Sydney, I’d like to see the opera house that they keep mentioning in finding nemo
What kind of shampoo do you use?: dunno, what ever’s in the shower
Where is the farthest place you've traveled?: too many places, don’t really know..
What's your lucky charm?: a rock that I keep in my pocket at all times
What are you talented at doing?: not sure, manipulating people count?
Are you straight?: yeah
What is the latest you've ever stayed up til?: around 48 hours of no sleep

What has been the best day of your life so far?: hard to say
If you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them?: the back of my head
What do you usually think about before you go to sleep?: I pray that I can sleep and for all my friends
What do you regret the most in your life so far?: far too much
If you could do anything without consequences, what would you do?: do you really want me to answer that?
What is something your looking forward to doing in the upcoming month?: nothing that I can think of
What are you really afraid of?: dunno, probly heights

[In the past 24 hours, have you:]
Had a serious conversation?: yeah
Hugged someone?: yeah
Fought with a friend?: no
Cried?: no
Laughed?: yeah
Made someone laugh?: Michelle, Shana, Boris, parents, Peter, Buddha
Bought something?: no
Missed someone?: yeah

Movie you rented or watched?: Pitch black
Movie you bought?: LOTR: the return of the king
Song you listened to?: All I need, by matchbox 20
Song that was stuck in your head?: Maria, by Willie Nelson
CD you bought?: I usually burn CD’s, but I got Meteora from Marc and Peter
CD you listened to?: Meteora
Person you called?: Luke
Person that called you?: Frank
TV show you watched?: don’t remember
Person you were thinking of?: Michelle, cuz I’m talking to her right now

[Do you agree with:]
Premarital sex?: don’t care really
Gay/lesbian relationships?: It doesn’t matter to me, as long as they let me be, I’ll let them be

Food?: don’t really have a favorite food
Song?: Sunburn, by Fuel
Sport?: Football, to play and watch
Drink?: Pepsi or Mountain Dew (Peter, you should never have given me that Dew at my party)
Clothes?: Harley T-shirt
Movie?: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Band/singer?: Matchbox 20, Yellowcard, and Fuel
CD?: Natural selection (fuel)
Disney movie?: Finding Nemo or around the world in eighty days
Scent?: don’t have one
Word?: more like a quote “What the Dope smoke?”
Guy name?: it’s only a name
Girl name?: no comment
Color?: Dark BLue
Flower?: don’t have one
Piercing?: don’t care
Actor?: no favorite
Actress?: hmmmmmmm…………. no comment
Store?: Wolverine Harley Davidson in Clinton Township
Vacation spot?: Orlando
Ice cream flavor?: Mint Chocolate chip
fruit?: Strawberries
Candy?: Baby Ruth or twix
Vehicle?: Harley sporster (of course I’d like my bike, duh)
Class?: Math, I got out like a half hour early every day
Holiday?: july 4th or any one that we have a break for
Month?: December
Season?: don’t care
Day of the week?: Saturday
Magazine? : don’t have one, I read books not magazines
TV show? : Monster Garage or Cowboy Bebop
Radio station? : 89X or 96.3
Web site?: or
Animal?: Wolves
Quote?: “What the dope smoke?”
Shoes: my pseudo boots, of course
Concert you've been to: can’t decide
Meat?: chicken
Pizza topping?: Bacon and pepperoni
State?: haven’t been to them all, but I like Michigan just fine for now
City?: St. Louis (I have a few friends there)
Feeling?: as long as it isn’t boredom or anger, I’m just fine
Number?: 13

Of times you've been in love?: define love for me, there are many degrees
Of times you've had your heart broken?: not gonna say
Number of times I've been reminded never to change for anyone?: enough
Of times you've broken someone's heart?: none that i know of
Of guys/girls you've kissed?: all of my past gf’s, so that makes it 4
Of guys/girls you've slept with?: 0
Of people you consider your enemy?: 1
Of scars on your body?: thousands

[Do you think you are:]
Pretty/handsome?: you be the judge
Funny?: I suppose I am, I make people laugh a lot
Hot?: you be the judge
Friendly?: to a degree, I believe in first impressions
Ugly?: be the judge
Optimistic?: sometimes, but not always
Caring?: depends on who I’m caring about

[Describe your:]
Wallet?: beat up, brown, in back pocket, with a chain on it
Toothbrush: white and blue with white and blue bristles
Jewelry worn daily: silver chain, silver watch, silver class ring with blue stone
Style: Harley shirts and blue jeans
Room: whit walls and ceiling, then about 3 ft from the ground the wall is blue and green
Shoes: pseudo boots, nothing more to say there
Bag: I own no man-sack
Hair: Brown, might end up changing again at some point, not sure tho
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