Have one day off and thus escaped the hell that my job has turned into. If we could now and forever stop with the snow please I would appreciate it a lot.
We've been working basically open ended shifts each day since the end of december with angry passengers, cancelled flights, delayed flights and everything else one could imagine.
The weekend before christmas we gave out 15.000 Hotel rooms and it really hasn't been getting much better.
But yeah, it will be spring soon, right?
Also, have decided to switch off commenting on LJ because I kind of hate it when there are comments to the same post in different places (since I am already terrible at replying when it is all in one place). I hope no one doesn't mind too much (if you do, just let me know and maybe I'll figure out something better).
There will be a time when I can be a bit more fannishly and flist involved and from now on we shall call that time spring time. And hope it will come soon.
Originally posted
here ![](http://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=mamoru&ditemid=91003)
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