well shit

Oct 31, 2005 23:47

I mean just when you think that all is good and well this shit hits the fan. I really hate that when i think things are cool and at least working to something that is civil they end up blowing up. well not blowing up really but passive aggressively blowing up. well that is just what has happened. in out cyber world that seems to be all that happens. people passvie aggressively blow up. they take you off their buddy list, remove your name from their live journal friends, and just systematically remove you from any connection there ever was. well this happened to me recently, obviously or else i wouldnt be writing about it. i was removed. i guess im ok with it except for the fact that i thought things were ok. i mean at least becomming ok. i was drunk but i really thought that it was ok. well ill be damn if i wasnt wrong. so i guess all i have to say is FUCK IT! wouldnt it be super is it was no longer ok for passive aggressiveness. a little confrontation never hurt anyone. i totally did my part and brought it up but now i guess i have to play the passive aggressive game now. so here goes... this is fucking stupid. i tried and if that is not enough then fuck it i dont need your shit and i dont need you. as for you being angry and uncomfortable in a room just b/c you feel like i look away and wont make eye contact...well guess what just b/c you are uncomfortable doesnt make it my fault. i am just going on about life and just b/c you dont think yo ucan sit with your friends b/c im sitting there...NEWS FUCKING FLASH they are my friends too and i have aright to sit there. i never said that you couldnt i never said shit. i dont give a shit what the hell happens and to be honest i dont give a shit if we are friends or not but people telling me that you feel awkward is not what i need. so keep your damn mouth shut. this is none of their damn business. and you can say that you havent told people anything but i fucking know different. i am so mad right now i dont even know what to say about it. im sure that you will have something to say to this so instead of being passive aggressive about it why dont you just fucking say it to me instead of canceling me out of your cyber world. fuck that shit and pretty much fuck you! so you be angry with me and you feel how ever you want to feel but dont go fucking telling everybody and their mother about it. its not their business what happened between us and how it happened.
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