This is really getting annoying. I have things I want/need to do. I'm tight for cash and I have to sell this stuff but I can't do it unless I can get on DoA. Not only that but I was supposed to send Abel out for a face-up but I can't contact the person to let them know what's going on
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I'd be nice if I could try another pc...but I'm not using my brother's...>_>;
"Finding DoA Server for your Friend
Was it resolved?
I had an issue like this before, similar...
Ended up finding out they were hacked.
I can help you to find out if this is the case,
if you haven't already figured out a problem.
-- Nightmoon"
I replied:
No, it hasn't been resolved yet. We'd appreciate your help so much!
-Bianca "
She replied:
"Since I know you can't load it and I assume you're putting in the DoA address right, I won't ask you to send me screenshots to make certain of that.
We'll get down to the dirty business of making sure that this isn't a hack.
Open a Command Window (Start, Run, 'cmd') and type the following command: ipconfig /all
then press Enter
If the Secondary and Primary DNS Server names do not look familiar to your friend (as in, are local/are hers), then it's a hack.
-- Nightmoon"
Does that help? I hope this works!! >0
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