Alright, so.
After much contemplation (by which I mean offhanded mental remarks directed between my brain and heart), I've decided to go on hiatus next year. I'm not entirely sure what this will entail yet, but I do know it means less time on the internet and more time sorting my life out -- spending time on my hobbies, studies, family and friends, and all that jazz.
I AM NOT LEAVING PERMANENTLY. Just for 2012, unless the world really does end next year and I'm six feet too far beneath the ground to access the internet ALL BULL, I SAY.
Anyway, it's quite likely that my updates on LJ, if sporadic now, will become few and far in between next year, which reminds me: HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE? 2011 has been a great year for me! Where was I. Because I won't be updating LJ much, you should all hit me up on
Twitter, where I'm usually online creeping on everyone if RL does not demand my full attention. Holding conversations within a 140-word limit is not too hard a feat, I've found, although the under-informed do appear to struggle with the theory behind it.
Mother: What exactly is it do you do on Twitter?
Me: It's like, uh, Facebook statuses, except posting something every five minutes is not considered spam.
Mother: What would you twitter about?
Me: It's tweet, and I don't know, actually! But you can use it to hold conversations.
Mother: Why would you do that when you've got MSN?
Me: ...
Mother: Social networking sites these days...
In short, Twitter is a multi-faceted site of glory and wonder.