Nov 18, 2009 19:25
Disclaimer: I do not nor will I ever own the characters. I would love to but I know this will never happen.
Chapter 5
Skye and Sophie headed out to the grocery store to buy the salmon fillets that Donna had demanded. When they had arrived they were very very displeased and upset because the store was out of salmon and would be for a while as salmon was on recall. The only place anyone could find salmon at was the United States of America and there was absolutely no way they were going to be able to find the salmon and get it delivered to their little Greek island in 5 hours. There was just no way. It was too far a distance to travel in such a small time frame. If they wanted to get the fish and make Donna happy they would have to go and catch it themselves. Realizing that getting the Salmon was never going to happen they called Donna to see if there was anything, anything else at all that she could substitute for the salmon. Screaming back into the phone right into Sophie and Skye’s ears Donna told them “ Absolutely unacceptable. I want nothing else. I asked for the Salmon and salmon is what I expect. I don’t give a damn whether or not it is on recall due to mercury poisoning. If it is not sitting on my plate by dinner time tonight you don’t want to know what will happen to you.” They knew not to take anything she said to seriously because she was a hormonal pregnant person and half the words that come out of their mouths they don’t mean but they still had learned their lesson. Just get the lady her food and make her happy so you don’t hear about it later. Sophie had seen Donna through good times and bad and she knew what she was like when she was mad and she didn’t want to see her mad and pregnant at the same time, much as she loved her mom that was something she didn’t care all too much to see.
So Sophie and Skye set out on their salmon fishing quest. They knew they would be out fishing forever because a) They had to catch enough for eight people to eat. B) It was the middle of the day and everyone who has ever went fishing before knows that fish just don’t bite during the middle of the day. The sun was starting to finish when they finally finished catching the stupid fish Donna had demanded. “ Sophie” Skye said, “ I love your mom really I do but why couldn’t she have just asked for something easy like hamburgers instead? You know something that doesn’t take as much effort to find or make for that matter. A reasonable request is all I was or am asking for you know?” “ Honey I wished she had picked something easier to make also but she is my mom aand she is pregnant. Pregnant women are NEVER reasonable. They are high maintenance and demanding.” Sophie said. “ I know that pregnant women aren’t reasonable but Soph this is way beyond unreasonable, this is just completely ridiculously insane.” “ I know that Skye I am aware of that fact. However as I have pointed out before she is my mom and no matter what she demands or does or anything I love her and will do anything for her. Night or day. She raised me all by herself and I am determined to be there for her through this pregnancy. If this were your mother rather than mine would you be complaining as much as much as you are now or would you do her a favor because you love her? I love my mom and my baby brother or sister so whatever she may want I will get or do for her out of pure love.” Sophie said. “ Wow I never knew you felt that way about your family. I knew you cared for them but I didn’t know it was that strong. It is great that you love your family that much, you should love them that much. But my question is Is you love for me that strong because I have been doubting that since your mom got pregnant.”
“ Oh-My-Gosh. Skye how could you ever doubt my love for you. But then again if you are doubting it then I guess not.” Sophie responded completely one-hundred percent shocked that he would ask her a question like that after everything she had done for him. “ Skye I have done everything I can to show you how much I love you and if you can’t see that I don’t know how else I can prove it to you. I am not going to abandon my mom for you no way. But I called off our wedding because I realized that you weren’t ready to be married yet and I wanted you to be in complete and utter bliss when we got married so I indefinitely postponed it so we could travel the world together, go and see places we haven’t seen together. I put my future on hold so I could make you happy and you ask me whether I love you or not. I figured my happiness could wait if it meant you being happy on our wedding day. Something I decided to do for my mom should not make you question my level of commitment to you. But it obviously is and that must mean I am failing as your lover to prove to you just how much you mean to me.” By this time Sophie was already in tears and Skye wasn’t even trying to console her and tell her that everything between them would be okay. “ Wait Skye have you met someone else and your just trying to prep me because you are getting ready to leave me?” Sophie finished.
“ Yes Sophie I have met another woman and she is fantastic. Her name is Andrea and She is willing to satisfy my needs before we get married which is one thing you weren’t willing to do. But listen Sophie I am most thankful to you that you put your happiness on hold for me . But my plans haven’t changed and Andrea is more than happy to oblige to them and you aren’t. You want to settle down and stay with your mom and help out with your expectant sibling(s). I want to travel not just sit around and watch kids. I am going to finish helping you prepare your fish for dinner but tomorrow morning Andrea and I are going to go away and travel like I have wanted to do for a long time now. I have thought about this a lot and I realized that we have just grown apart and that I am just not happy anymore. I am leaving. I hope that you find someone else that is great and that you have a happy life.” By this time they were already home. “ Bye Skye, I hope you have a good life with your whore and don’t come back to me when she leaves you and you don’t have anything left in your life. Sophie got out of the car with the fish and ran inside crying heavily while Skye drove off to the hotel he was staying at tonight.
Sohpie was in her room crying and everyone could hear her and it was breaking Donnas heart. She went into her room and cradled Sophie in her arms and asked her what was wrong. “ Mom Skye left me. He said he met a girl named Andrea and that he loved her more than me because she was willing to have sex with him before marriage and I wasn’t. He said that he should mean more to me than family should and I just told him that I do so much for him and one little family thing shouldn’t make the difference between love or not.” She started to cry even harder than she had all day and Donna did too. How could that bastard leave my daughter for this Andrea. She has done so much for him and he leaves her because he can get more sex through Andrea. Actually, she thought, it’s probably a good thing he left because she would have just gotten hurt more had the relationship gone into marriage and a family and then she figured that out. That Bastard didn’t deserve her and seeing her like this made her decide that under no circumstances would she let Skye come anywhere near her daughter or even talk to her daughter. “ Other than the girl did he say anything at all?
“ Well Mom he was aking me why you just had to have salmon and not something a little easier to find and prepare. I told him that you never question a pregnant lady or tell one no and that I would find you that salmon even if you weren’t pregnant because you are my mom. Then he asked me if I loved him as much as I loved you. I told him if he had to ask then apparently not. Then he sprang the whole Andrea thing on me. He also told me I could try and win him back and I told him he wasn’t worth winning back. Mom I have done so much for him and I would do anything for him before tonight EXCEPT desert my family in a time of need. I love you and Dad and the baby(‘s) too much. I was not and still am not about to let a guy get in the way of me and my family. You guys will always mean so much more to me than any guy ever will. He didn’t like the idea that I wanted to stay and help you through the pregnancy and with my little sibling one he/she is born. He thought he should be my main concern.
By this time Donna was crying very hard. She felt so bad for Sophie. She knew how much she had loved Skye and how much she had put on the line for him. She knew she had felt betrayed When he brought up Andrea. But she couldn’t help being happy that her and Sam and their family meant more to Sophie than Skye ever did or would. “ Hey Soph?” Donna said. “Yeah Mom?” “Please come and eat. It breaks your parents’ hearts to watch you starve yourself over some guy.” “ Sure mom I’ll eat. Just let me clean myself up first!” “ Okay hun Dinner is in 10 minutes I’ll leave you to get ready. Donna waddled out of the room. She was still unaware of the fact that she was almost 3 months pregnant with twins and she found it weird that she was already as big as she had ever been with Sophie.
I wanted to give you an Update so I hoped you liked it. I have been gone from school waay to much this mp and need to catch up so I am afraid that it’s gonna be a long time again before I can update But I promise to try!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO MERYLANDREBAFAN. I could not do this without you girl!!!!!
mamma mia